Monday, March 19, 2012
Last week at my current job.I've already grown attached to my colleagues, and it's a pity that I'll probably never see them again.
At least I know I've made my mark there. They'll remember me. I will now move on to settle university matters, and graduate well to impact more lives...
...yet this is not really something that I want to do. This "making a difference in somebody's life." thing. I used to think that impacting someone was an impressive and noble feat, but I now revise this notion because I find it cruel to change people, and then to walk away. Not that I had really changed anyone. I use this term loosely in this context, only to mean that I haven't just been "just another person"; to mean that I had etched a name into their memories.
It brings me to the subject of Friends that Expire. I coin this term for the sake of referring to the phenomenon in which very good friends outlive each other and become strangers as time stretches them apart. There really isn't a need to explain this since everyone has had FtE. By no fault of anyone, sometimes people just grow out of...other people. It is an affair worthy of slight melancholy, but people grow out of that melancholy too...or are at least distracted from it at other times.
I now know not what to say it wearies me you say it wearies you
...not a direct quote, but an apt one nonetheless. Apt for what exactly, I'm not sure. It just feels the moment.
A heavy mind/heart weighs upon my fingers and I cannot lift them high enough to type, so goodbye. I'm off to scour the net for distractions.
I think my posts make me look ridiculous. I'll regret them when I'm older/am in another state of mind. I hope I wouldn't laugh at myself. :S