Sunday, February 28, 2010
yuan xiao jie day(: watched titanic yesterday. the bad guy lived while the good guy died. 0_0 Thursday, February 25, 2010
![]() dad and i(: see we got the same tadpole-sized eyes. ![]() brother and i, and Mr Bean Bear. ![]() mum and i (and her favourite pink shirt) abit bitter, but very cool to 'pluck and eat'. what a buffet xD kk, gotta go do chem. byebyee. HAPPY (real) BIRTHDAY ESTHER HONG! :D chem prac was fun today. i sat beside stupid linda. she's obsessed with joshua and is upset with me because joshua drank from my cup. (the drink's from pearlyn) today hor, this childish girl formed a barrier between the lab desk with deionised water, and demanded that i dont cross the line, like a primary school kid. so childish!!! so i went to tell teacher.hmph. dowan to friend her already. > : ( then she spray the water on my desk, so i sprayed some on her plastic file (directly on a photo of jihoo). muaha. she started it de lo. when mr tan asked us to gather at the front for a demo, she cried "why you stand in front??" and nudged me aside. i responded with "you push me! i tell teacher!" and mr tan said "i feel like i'm teaching a kindergarten class." LOL. what a fun day:D linda ruined my titration results lo. she go add methyl orange in my neutralised solution so it became very orangey. :D Wednesday, February 24, 2010
thankyou wannung! your gift is very pretty and i love it :Di'll she bu de yong hahahaha. thanks cas, your gift was really unexpected, and i love surprises!hahahah. hope you received the bear hug i tuo1 ruoting to pass you :D :) i went home with jovina today hahahahahaha. she's a total retard♥ and i met esther hong, whose birthday's tomorrow! i received yr2's thinking day gifts le, thankyou! glad that you still thought to make us something! : ) Tuesday, February 23, 2010
There was a slight misunderstanding in my previous post, so i've deleted it.apologies to those who were affected! (: i didnt bear in mind that a blog is open to the entire public. heh heh. k i'm really at loss of how to convince you that its not you, but um, have faith, comrade? :p PEARLYN. dont remind me ): later linda come confront me again. HAHAHA. happy birthday to selina, michelle, saufi, some dhs girl that i recognise only by face, and i :D this is a thank you post so do not read if you expect it to be boring. maybe just Ctrl+F to see if your name is there lo. here goes. thankyou all for your gifts and for your wishes. each gift brings back a torrent of memories, especially the video from Esther Tan, which traced our whole time together thus far. i hope that someday, we get to make a movie instead of video, and then continue to make sequences. i know. good friendships dont need to last. i believe in that philisophy too. but i believe people want good friendships to last. so there. i want. i want i want i want. thoughtful gifts designed to suit my needs, like the school bag from hanxi, jenn and liwen, as well as the slippers and greek-looking headband from wanying, weiwei and yeoch. thanks much for getting such meaningful gifts for me. hanxi's attempt to trick me into thinking everybody mistook my birthday to be on 22nd feb, although wasnt very successful, made me very touched because she took effort to coordinate 4k just for this day. huangching's gift, and her card with kimbum's picture, showed me that she remembers what we crazed about together, and indicated how much she missed me. i miss her too. miss turning around randomly just to stare at shiyi and annoy her to no end has become something i relish. I love jovina's sunshine yellow card and her little miss sunshine sticker. she sounds just like her usual kuku self and i lub kuku yo-niangs like her :D i like receiving cards, notes, letters. esther tan's extremely long letter was like a feast, which i wolfed down even before school ended. hungry teoee. liying's little dog with a basket is so adorable! as a response for your card, yup, different ccas, but sisters for life. love guides <3 I LIKE JO'S SMS MOST even though she kept saying how retarded i am, but nevermind, she's also retarded and i lub retarded people hahahaha. hanxi's sms was the coolest. it was read downwards. as in, l i k e t h i s hahaha. and she also implied that i was slow. and then she (along with evil bunny jenn and madwoman liwen) hid my old bag in a locker and i had to travel to the library to get it back. fun, but WHY SO NAUGHTY AH, GIRLS. thanks to random people who'd never talk to me if not for today being my birthday because you still wished me a happy birthday, and thanks to those who randomly shook my hand. i didnt mention some others because i dont know if you want to be named, but thanks anyway. last thing to note is, please dont spend so much on gifts. i know you're my friend, but i'm your friend too, and i dont want you to spend so much on me. :D i know jenn liwen hanxi's zinc bag gift must have cost a bomb. so this goes to you guys k (; i'm not gonna use the white bag yet because the old one, albeit old, is still functioning. it was also a birthday gift. from my 4/9 friend Bernice. though i havent spoken to her since p5, i still use the bag she gave me because i :D it. thanks bernice. wherever you are now. ok. the most surprising gift i got was from none other than Shiyi. Au Shiyi. she gave me a monkey soft toy and its super soft and utterly adorable! she even planned, and succeeded, in tricking me into believing its not from her. thanks so much, shiyi. i'm glad i got to know you, and even though you always act like you think i'm yucky because i'm childish and gay and in your own words "too cheerful", i know deep inside, you have a LARGE soft spot for me. wakakakaa. THANKYOU TO MY FAMILY. even though you provide a damn lousy studying environment for me, i'm glad you're doing it to show the importance of living life as it is and enjoying the journey. thanks for getting the mango cake that i wanted, for letting me go for the art trip, for heck-caring when i fail my tests, for praising my pottery work, for my results when i score (in the past), for tolerating my pain-in-the-ass attitude all the time even though you're stressed too. i can imagine that you're more stressed than i am but you still act cheerful. i'm in a very bad situation. science society and sc both need me to place them as priority. for ss, monetary investment has been placed in me. for sc, faith. so what do i do. i guess i'll find siswo soon to ask him since he's in both. i'm afraid of becoming a Lady Macbeth. -_- strangely, Art is the most stressful subject i've come across. bye. p.s. thanks jenn, i saw your love blogpost!:D :D :D Labels: . Sunday, February 21, 2010
![]() i found this picture when i googled "malay selling zhongzi" for my Art work. so pretty! i like pretty girls hahahaa. Saturday, February 20, 2010
need to work on my flaws.i'm glad they were pointed out. even more glad they were direct but tactfully phrased. :D shall maintain strengths. boot camp was such an experience. it was pltc part two, but on the other hand, it was also nothing like pltc. the activities were similar but because the people involved were different and of different cca backgrounds, the whole camp's feel changed. i think the biggest difference is, in pltc, you are given the Patrol Leader/second role at particular stations so that seniors can judge if you can be a good leader when given the chance. in boot camp, you have to fight for the chance to show that you can be a good leader. bah. ok. end of post. piano tomorrow. Thursday, February 18, 2010
ive been losing things since the end of last laptop. hello kitties. after steamboat with 4k, went home with jo and wan. got off the same bus stop, then split to our respective homes only a very very short distance apart. went home, dont know what i did, had a sudden need to use the laptop, but ignored that need and went to sleep, thinking i'll use it the next day. next day, wake up. packed for malaysia trip. realised i couldnt find my laptop. got back from msia, checked home camera to see if i had even brought it into the house. but funny, camera records just happened to skip past the part when i reach home. i.e. i dont know what happened to the laptop. i'm inclined to believe that something sinister is happening (LOL). today. brought 2 hello kitties for dry run. after dry run, went to student service centre to take forms. then went to canteen for debrief/discussion. realised kitties were gone. traced my route back from the hall but couldnt find them. hopefully, i'll be able to find them in the sc room tomorrow. sinister days loom ahead. if this continues, i shall not bring anything when i go out. then all that i can lose, will only be my self. suddenly, i seem to want to use tzyyshuan's mantra more and more often. 'Life Sux.' Wednesday, February 17, 2010
![]() the steamboat gang 4K09. :D Monday, February 15, 2010
i finally have access to a computer.but its too late. been worrying about my boot camp work every nian i bai): sigh. sorry to my groupmates!D: GROUP 4 FTW wheeeee saw many fireworks up close on new year's day. :D kk. off to update myself on dhsmail and blah. i <3 Dr Kellogg's Land of Magical Happy Frosties with Hello Kitty, Friends and Cutie Pies HAHAHAHA. tata. Saturday, February 13, 2010
i just bathed and it feels super niceeee.i was smelly today (even though jovina said i wasnt). yucks. steamboat with 4KKKKKK. almost the whole class went! really really almost! like, only shiyi, hweechian,ruonan(in jc), wei, samantha, qianru, huijing, yingying, huangcheng, esther lim, stephen didnt go. i think. 24 out of 36 attendence leh <3 (i know the numbers dont tally, but i cant remember who else didnt go/if we forgot to count someone in.) had boot camp dry run before that. fun lahhh. i like my group! had another discussion the day before. fun too! wheee. flying off to malaysia tomorrow. i'm sleepy. havent pack yet. just reached home at 1220am. i hope jo's mum's angry no more yea yea yea? yo-niang x) got photos, but esther's posting them on her blog. esther tan. link not provided in my blog hahaha. i'm too lazy to upload them from my phone. bwahaha. off to sleep soon. nights. Wednesday, February 10, 2010
i trained home with wanying after Art 2 days ago, and bused with hans and wan.wan and i were talking, and i dont know what happened to us, but we just got off the mrt stop together only to realise that it was simei-.- so we went back into the carriage and gave the 0_0 face. it wasnt even planned, but we just got off at the same, wrong stop. lol. art feels weird without jenn. but somehow knowing that she takes bio feels good too. lol. (not that its got anything to do with me, cos i'm not in her bio class..) SCIENCE SOCIETY ORIENTATION TODAY! gonna see cute AU SHIYI. and of course, my cute juniors. haha. bused 158 with weiwei yesterday after weirding with liwen during art. i need to go to a food court today and snap pictures of people eating for art. specific people. lol. i'll look like a pervert): sighz. Monday, February 8, 2010
i forgot to post HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEO YENNNNNNyesterday. we had durian cake. (: art was ok today. i'll be going for the europe trip after all. after much thought. papa supports this decision.(morally and financially) i think i may not dislike chem as much as i thought i did leh. but i still cant do it whether i like it or not. haha. econs was fun today. talked about cows and cows. vivyan kept trying to embarrass taoqin. jovina and her angel's so funny.hahahaha. i want to sleep. nightey. Sunday, February 7, 2010
the best thing about taking Art is,homework doesnt feel like homework. i like drawing. (its only the reading up on dead artists' part i.e. SOVA that i dread.) Wednesday, February 3, 2010
i dont know how to remove an iodine stain on my shirt.xiaowei says it looks like a food stain. eeks. lucky it didnt turn blue-black. vivyan and i did the spongebob and patrick pik piak slapping dance. xiaowei, the files split liaozsxh): but i still like them hahahah my family's on a tomato craze.yum. Tuesday, February 2, 2010
i keep mixing xingqi and yixiang up):
I LIKE YOUR BIRTHDATE. szeyun was so kind today :') anyi too. thanks for helping me with the canteen table. (i saw my juniors today. happy happy : D) Monday, February 1, 2010
feel really restrained in Art lesson.isnt art supposed to be about my mind, from my perspective? HAPPY BIRTHDAY YITING!<3 |
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