Monday, November 30, 2009
skyping with weiwei now.
its not a success.
we cant hear each other, and she looks blur and ghostly in my screen lol

: D

i like holidays without homework.
holidays with homework's ok too.
especially since i dont do most of them x)

i eat 1 meal per day now.
a 15hour meal.
the other 9's for sleep.
growing fat happily:D

lazy to recount this trip cos jenn and i have been updating each other on our daily ativities through email.

i wonder hows orientation planning.
connection here's not so good cos msn keeps fainting when i accidentally pull the modem out of the notebook.

i just heard there're TWO wedding feasts i'm attending in my first week here.
yay. i like weddings.
too bad i didnt get to attend my parents'.

LUCKILY i didnt have to attend my parents' D:
im a post-marriage child.

kk, going off.bye.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

caught him with mo gui xiao mei.

at the budget airport. some kind of budget eh? (;
my dad refuses to have his photo put on the net.

but its too late. HA.

going for late night supper later.
yum. kuching has good food.
kk, going off. bye.

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Lord help me.
i am cleaning my room.

i managed to clear the table!
only because i shifted everything to the floor.
it'll probably remain there till i'm back from msia.

im tempted to throw everything away.
start afresh, yknow.
but i know it'd be equivalent to crushing many phones under 158:D

"pa, i got through the interview to Science Society."
"science society."
"waste of time."

thankfully he has no idea how much time i'd be "wasting".
it's gonna be 24/7. say goodbye to my A levels haha.

k, off to clean room as much as i feel like, then pack (or maybe do that tomorrow), and sleep.

dropped my phone in bus 158 at 920am today.
somebody has turned it off.
please return it to me, somebody.

from now on i'll only be contactable by email.

my dad's really upset.
i am too.
heck i just gave ms foo my number days ago.
now i've lost contact with her again.

why do bad things come in nations while luck only visits once every Obama?

Friday, November 27, 2009

wanying and i in our pajamas during 4K chalet

before i turn in, i'm just gonna say
sleep well, everyone.

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Gosh Liwen.
Thanks so much for your concern (and your cute E-card!)
like you said, we may not be very close, but you give me a good feeling:D

lotsa lotsa lotsa love to you too,
i hope we can get out together again soon!(;


i used green font for this post cos you look like you'll like green.
i hope it has made you slightly happier :D
(actually i like green too yo HAHA)

May i have an IC for Christmas please?)':

gimme ang baos to pay for IC k (;

my salary barely covers the cost aw mienz.

i saw my favourite vivyan during work today, and i also saw my beloved esther tan (with her friends, liesl and kaiyuan i think)

The Vivyan Tay O_O-ed at me lei hahaha. i was super happy to see her.

Chao Esther turned away from me lei >: (
but then she lingered abit, and brought her friends over too YAY:D

i'm sick of wearing jeans already.
i could totally feel the impact of Global Warming.

went to the library with jenn and pearlyn!
we found pearlyn in the children's section. she's super cute!
jenn spammed Fearless series.
i read it some years ago. its nice : D
a 17 year old girl, Gaia, whose name means Mother Earth i think, is without fear.
she's just without it.

and people try to create fearless drugs out of her genes or something.
she's a cool fighter.
she blacks out after each fight though.
i feel sad for her boyfriends. Sam and later, Ed.
they keep getting attacked just because they're associated with Gaia.

anyway, weird that i still remember these things even though i read them kinda long ago.

i used to be an avid reader yknow.
HA. dont smirk. i know you're smirking.

lihui, stop smirking.
> : )

the villian's called Loki. He's Gaia's uncle.
if i dont remember wrongly, he killed Gaia's parents.

ok enough about the book.
and no, they are not spoilers because they dont reveal the plot. these are just some facts that they've already mentioned in the first few books hahahaa.


i met Miss Foo (Pau Chu) 2 days ago while distributing newspapers.
if you're reading this, 6/10, though i highly doubt so,

she remembers me!
she remembers me, a mere student from 123456789 other students FOUR YEARS AGO.
math teachers are so blessed with good memory.
(Miss Fang is an exception. right, Miss Fang?hahahaha. of course, even math teachers must succumb to age. wink. HAHAHA)

i'm think i've been arrested by sore throat.
i can feel it coming.
jenn says, spam water.

but i dont like plain water.

eeks and bleah):


i've misplaced my ic ):
i'm sure it must be in a safe place, cos i always keep important stuff in safe places.
but i cant remember where that place is.

thanks for the panadol today, hans.
i slept once i got home and had dinner.

went to hanxi's place after work today for a movie marathon.
usan liwen and jenn were there too.
i decided it wasnt nice to go empty handed so i asked if they wanted me to buy anything.
ended up with a rather weird order haha.
i must find out what 'kettle chips' are.

walking around in the heat in jeans and a black shirt ( jeans' my uniform. black shirt is just a bad choice of attire today) is detrimental to my health.
coupled with insufficient sleep (though i got more than hanxi did last night), its just unbearable.

reached hans' and they were watching some 3 hour long show i think.
something about the tojan war.
troy and greece.
i only managed to watch the part where Achilles died cos Paris shot an arrow through his heel (and heart and etc)
i was sleeping or out hunting for chips for the other parts.

when they started another movie, i went to read a life! section on the newspaper.
something about Rain in a movie.

and after that, i went home before the rest.

yeah i know.
pathetic trip.

Aton called when i was paying for the chips (not kettle chips).
he asked for my ic issue date and i told him i'll try to get it asap.
then he asked if i had his handphone number and i made a mental point to get it from jenn.

but when i saw jenn, i thought "i'll ask after the movie. dont interrupt yet."
and i ended up going home without the number so i smsed her but i dont think she received it.

anyway, i dont have my ic with me.

i cant go for this sunday's class outing.
wanying's such a sweet girl.
i'm so glad to have known her since sec1.

5.10am now.
i'm off to find my ic, or go back to sleep.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

work was upsetting.
jenn and i didnt manage to find anything suitable this afternoon.

PEA dinner later.

taking a ride with zoe wheeeee.
i'd better get ready now.


Monday, November 23, 2009
i had almost forgotten about 2 things.

1. meeting in school tmr morning.
2. people coming to my house to install stuff.

so this is what i'll be doing tomorrow.
1. orientation comm. meeting
2. leave halfway for work.
3. after work find jenn.
4. go home to show Banglas where to install the thingy
5. go for PEA dinner
6. go home

and this is the route i'll be taking.

(use paint. it's got the 'pencil' effect)

1. tampines to aljunied.
2. aljunied to city hall.
3. city hall to simei.
4.simei to tampines.
5. tampines to city hall.
6. city hall to tampines.


its like travelling around the world in 1 day!
(ok fine. thats an exaggeration. people dont call me drama queen for nothing yknow.)

today was a torrent of smsing.
tomorrow shall be a blast of travelling.
the next day is a day of mystery. i'm supposed to work, then meet songjia to meet her mother's friend. but she hasnt told me the time and venue 0_0

lucky cca interview got postponed to saturday, if not, it'll clash with orientation meeting tomorrow haha.

i'm going to work extra hard tomorrow so i can leave earlier from work and go find jenn hahaha.
dear commuters, pleaaaassseee, on account that i'm so polite to you, take a NEEEEWSPAPER!


in my drawing, i forgot number 4 and skipped from 3 to 5 :\


first day at my 4-day job.
surprisingly, distributing newspapers is tiring.
i kept repeating "newspaper, sir?"
" newspaper, ma'am?"
" please take a copy. "
"would you like a set of newspaper please?"


and i said thankyou to everybody.whether they actually took the newspaper or not.
exhausting :\

i met yizhen, daphne and another bsp girl(sorry, i cant remember who you are! all i know is that there was a girl).

then i met nat and her friend.
yknow, the stepsister and rehearse-cinderella from the 4KLM commencement ceremony item?: D
teehee paiseh for not knowing nat's friend's name.

so exciting!
they got a shock when we met(:
yizhen asked what i did to my hair.

i didnt do anything.
i woke up with waves/curls this morning hahaa.

after work, i met up with jenn and hanxi: D
we had lunch at yakun's and hanxi went home while jenn and i walked around bugis.
there wasnt much to see there.. my legs were totally sour already, and my face, stiff from smiling so much.

when my shift ended and i changed out of the uniform, i didnt even feel like smiling/ talking anymore.
plus, during my shift, more people approached me for directions than for newspaper.
too bad i'm a total road-idiot/ lu chi.
i didnt even know where the toilet was hahah.
so i directed them to the control station, which was in plain view lol.

this very nice guy said "thankyou. have a nice day!" when i passed him a copy.
another one saluted to me 0_0
a lady hovered around me but refused to take a newspaper, and i realised

ang mohs dont read the newspaper.
only 1 or 2 took a copy even though 123456789 walked past my outstretched hand.

i finished distributing 15 sets 30min before the scheduled time: D

after work, i went to meet jenn and hanxi at bugis mrt station.
i reached earlier cos my workplace was nearer... and at the mrt station,
this little lady (japanese i think) approached me and passed me a card.
then she spoke incoherently (because english's not her native tongue, i suppose) and asked me to work as a model.
maybe what i wore today was abit misleading.
i am actually a fat hen, i tell you.
anyway, i promised i'll check out their website and to my horror, the other models have 24" or 25" waists.
and they're about 167cm tall.
if you're interested, i suggest you wear something that hides your flabs and walk around bugis mrt station: D
look for a japanese looking girl and pretend you're not interested haha!

oh yea. i wanna guy some garlic and onions for home decoration.
i received an email saying that onions absorb germs and flu viruses so people around it wouldnt get sick so easily.
my dad forwarded it to me.
i'm gonna try that out.
: D
my brother just recovered from fever recently.

i hope jenn's ok now.
wanted to hug her today, but was afraid i'd trigger more pain.
kk give you an e-hug now hahaha.

oh i realised the new place that songjia zuoyue and i went yesterday is called iluma.

hanxi eats little these days.
i think.

i'm going to start a healthy lifestyle from now on.
have my own PT for about an hour, then come back for breakfast, and go to work.
then after work, slack slack slack slack slack..

PEA dinner tmr(:
a pity not all members can attend.
well at least i get to see weiz and yzhen, crazy Jade/diamond/crystal/ruby and others: D
good thing its at city hall.
i can just stay there for about 5 hours after my work ends and meet them: D

hey people, if you're going to city hall from 11am to 2pm,
thanks matey x)

i'm the only MyPaper person there except for another more-than-middle-age-guy lei.
so sad lo):
and he's just there to supervise too, not really distribute.
jenn and han's area has >10 people.
so re nao.

when mrts reach, people explode from all directions and i can barely keep up with handing newspaper out.
when mrts travel, its so quiet that i can only prey on the mrt people and some random passers-by.

today is a special day.
not because of what happened, but rather, because You happened.

hi blog readers.
i'm sorry you had to read all that junk.
i'm too lazy to do a check-through today so if i'm too loso at any point(like now?) or if i have typo/grammatical mistakes, just leave it ok?

i usually check my work twice: D
(doesnt apply to school work.)

anyway, i'm glad you come haha.


kupped from jenn: D

i said i'll sleep le, but i just couldnt resist posting again haha.

i love the times spent with my best mates.
: D
this is what hanxi, jennifer and i cooked for lunch some days ago.
i believe i called the wotie wota in my previous posts.

kk i need to go sleep.
if not i'll be late for work tmr!


many <3 to hans and jenn
and to those who werent there too. yea, twin and xiaowei?: )



Sunday, November 22, 2009
songjia zuoyue and i met up today for registration(:
they've both dyed their hair but only songjia's is obvious enough to the naked eye.
home-dyed haha.

the place we wanted to go to initially was closed, so we went to a weird mall ( quite new, i think) at bugis.
and this is what we did...

cosplay! (it just so happened that we chanced upon this thing)

zuoyue, me, and songjia.
zuoyue's from slytherine, i'm from ravenclaw, and songjia's...well..:\

this is songjia hahahaha

and this is me! sad that i look as though i was wearing a garbage bag.

i tried a blond wig on.
havent scan the photo yet.will post it when i scan.


i'll miss 4K loads.
hey, i already do(:

oh and songjia and i shared 1 duck neck today.
it was spicy.hahaha.

i wore the same set of clothes(washed, of course) twice in the span of 10 days!
time to restock on wardrobe.
all i see is that set of clothes, and alot of school-based shirts + PE shorts, and a few of some stuff i'll never wear.
not even if our class has another wear-your-most-embarassing-clothes-night.

i ought to start planning another class outing soon.
havent use up the class fund yet.
plus, not everybody has received their macs voucher.

and i havent paid esther lim ! X(
i havent paid liuxiao either.

yay meeting jenn tmr : D

asking questions has become increasingly dangerous.
maybe i'm abit upset.

yay meeting jenn tmr: D
i'm kind of excited to start work hahaa.

Saturday, November 21, 2009
pottery lesson today.
will blog next time.
too tired today.

piano tmr.
i havent done my homework.
only practiced half a song (the other half is quite hard to master, i think. not that i've had alot of time to do so.)


Justin Bieber is a 15 year old singer.
He may sound like a girl, but his song One Time is so nice!

click click!
its quite a sweet song to sing :D
though i found it rather disturbing at first cos i thought i heard "pi ka chu" lol.

i dont like his other songs.
Cody Simpson is hot, but i dont like his songs either.

what does "shawty" mean?
i keep hearing it.

well, pottery class tomorrow(:

hanxi and jenn came over to my kitchen to clean up again today!
now it may not be sqeaky clean, but it's a greeeeeaaaatttt improvement from eeky dirty.
its sparkly clean now, i think: D
Jovina got tricked into coming over too.
we were supposed to watch a movie together but she ended up washing and scrubbing pots.
i felt really bad.

jenn and i cooked spaghetti for lunch(:

its only because of hanxi that i managed to clear my kitchen of so much rubbish.
somehow she can just convince people that things must be thrown away cos they cannot be used already.
spring cleaning is not something a sentimental/poor person does easily yknow.

jennifer is the most rational among us, i'd say.
while hanxi wanted to throw everything away
and i refused to throw anything away
(i mean relatively speaking la, for both of us.)
jennifer only threw some stuff away.

i ended up stuffing >10 garbage bags down the rubbish chute in the span of 2 days.
and that's just the kitchen.

some bags were too big to fit into the chute hahaa.
but we managed anyway.

then papa ordered pizza for dinner, but jovina only stayed long enough for a chicken wing.
she went home to take dinner with her mummy love 1 block away from me.

then after dinner, hanxi jenn and i went to visit jovina.

we had a game of bridge, and went home.


jovina and i have plans to crash wanying and samantha's house soon.
the fate of living near us awww.

I live in block 123E, jo lives in 123D and sam lives in 123C!
(let our block number be represented by 123)

wanying ah, i dont know lei.
but i do know how to walk there:D
(really, wan. i know le. i wont go to the wrong block again hahahaaa)

oh by the way gosh i'm so happy!!
My prayers have been answered!!

i've been granted an interview time slot(for cca) that wouldnt clash with my job.
ahhh thankyou Ms Lee and Dr Yap!
thank God!

i realised that if i pray hard enough, things'll come true.

ok, time pray again tonight.
to give thanks.

i'm so so so lucky!

lucky to have wonderful friends who'll tell you they want to come over the next day to clean your kitchen up,
lucky to have wonderful parents who'll pay for the pizza,
lucky to have a brother(s) who'll throw the rubbish if you leave them at the door,
lucky to have an ex-chem tutor, Mr Chen, whose etiquette last sunday (was it sunday?) was impressive.


Friday, November 20, 2009
science society interview on tuesday.
job on tuesday too.

dont go for work, pay whole week's worth of salary and lose my job.
dont go for interview, lose the chance of getting into my 1st choice cca.

now the only compromise is if i can get another interview time slot.
but i know i'm asking alot.

who has time for a girl,
let alone a non gpa 4.2 girl?

plus, i'll be working from 11 to 2pm from monday to thursday.
i'll need travelling time.
so in my email, i said i have commitments from 10 to 3pm.
1 hour of transport time in case i fall into the drain, help an old lady across the road, or get knocked down by the bus.

but the problem is, i typed 10 to 2pm?!!
and i only realised like, um...(counts fingers) 2 or 3 days after sending it to Ms Lee.
(she has the same name as my best friend does.)

i'm just praying hard that she grants me a time slot that doesnt need me to compromise on neither the job nor the cca.

oh jeez.

Bean Contest ATC07 skit script

-Mr Bean Bo/ bimbo(employer) me!
-Jelly Bean(timid.legs go jelly at everything)
-Red Bean(hot temper)
-Black Bean(sulky)
-French Bean(speaks French.language barrier)
-Long Bean(tardy. Takes very long to do one simple thing) daphne!
-Soya Bean(cannot speak fluently) peishan!
-Kidney Bean(visits toilet too much.scared kidney malfunction) crystabelle
-Cocoa Bean(bitter about everything)
-Green Bean(gets cold too problems)
-Bean Bean(the WINNER) nicholette?

i cant remember what bean zhenling was haha.

Mr Bean: Oh good day everybody! How are you?
Oh! I’m sure you’re fine! I’ve been busy trying to recruit a new worker. There are 9 Beans coming for the inter view(Beans stroll in in a line) oh there they are! (talk in bimbotic way)

Beans: good day to you, Mr Bean!

Mr Bean:oh!what polite Beans!
Well,I’ll be looking out for your character traits and see if you’re suitable for this job then!
Well, please introduce yourself!(referring to green Bean)

Green Bean: I am the AHCHOO! Green bean.sniffsniff…sorry.i get colds easily.

Mr Bean: well,I see…my mother’s always told me that lu4 dou4 tang1 is very liang2.oh,how wise are her words!

(to the audience: oh,I’d better not hire her! She’d be asking for medical leave all the time!)

Mr Bean: now that I am aware of your condition, I suggest you rest well at home instead of coming out to work.

Green Bean: AHCHOO!!ok then…

(Green Bean leaves the scene)

Mr Bean: now how about you?(red Bean)

(leaves in a huff)

Mr Bean: well, well! I’d never have wanted such a hot tempered worker! He’d scare away all my customers!leave then!leave!(sighs)
Well, what do you say to working here?

Jelly Bean: i…i…is it my turn already?oh…oh dear…I’m so…nervous…ohoh….i’m going to have have a breakdown soon!…oh no…oh no…my legs are turning jelly…i..i…

Mr Bean: oh dear!such a timid soul!

Jelly Bean: oh no!you’re never going to hire me!…you…you…think I’m timid…ohoh…*faints*

Mr Bean: oh dear.(turns to French bean).if I’m not wrong,you’re the French Bean?

French Bean: *speaks a chain of French stuff*

Mr Bean: I see a form of communication barrier…oh my.i think you should brush up on your English.
Do you speak English?(turns to kidney bean)

Kidney Bean: yes I do…I am the kidney bean.

Mr Bean: what do you think of this job?

Kidney Bean: I think…I think…I think I have to use the toilet….

(runs off)

(runs back)

Mr Bean: back from the ladies?

Kidney bean..yes.the next toilet break is scheduled to be 5 seconds see, I have to relieve myself often so as to keep my kidney healthy.

Mr Bean: if that is so, then I cannot hire you, for you may not give me the efficiency I need to finish this job…

Kidney Bean: oh then…may I know where your toilet is?

Mr Bean points and Kidney Bean runs off
Mr Bean: what do you think?

Long Bean: he…llo….i…am….theeee….looooonnngg…beeeeaannn,…..

Mr Bean: I see. Everything about you seems to be long.even your speech!

Long Bean: yesssss….thattt…is….sssooo….

Mr Bean: then you would take too long to do what I ask of you.i am sorry but I cannot use you as a worker.

Long Bean: oookk…..soooo looonnngg tooo youuu…

Mr Bean: yes,so long!
Now…who are you two?

Black Bean: I’m the black bean.

Cocoa Bean: I’m the cocoa bean.the black bean always should hire me. The whole world should hire me.demand for me.i cant stand why everything turns out so unlucky for me.i don’t like it when you Beans say that I’m bitter.i could have been a joyous bean. I could have been a famour bean! Not just a lowly bean searching for a lowly job..

Black Bean: this is such a waste of time.): I could have gone to the movies you know.why did you drag me here, cocoa bean? You’re just being bitter that you weren’t allowed to go to the movies so you had to spoil my fun too.hmnph!

Mr Bean: they make me feel so unhappy.i wish they would leave…

Cocoa Bean: another one!another Bean who asks me to leave!well,I don’t want to stay either!
*stomps off dragging black bean with her*

Mr bean: are you here for the interview?

Soya bean: oh.i was ya,I needed money…so ya,I came for work. So you’re the boss here ya? So ya, will you hire me so ya can pay me my salary ya?

Mr Bean: he cannot speak properly!I feel flustered when he keeps saying so ya, so ya, soya!please leave, soya are giving me a headache!
Oh no. I have no workers left!

BeanBean: there’s still 1 Bean left to go! That’s me! I would like the job please!

Mr Bean: well,I’d have to have a little understanding of your background then..

BeanBean:oh…you see, I came from dhs coy girl guides. I’ve bean in guides since very long ago…

Mr Bean: then say no more!I have trust in guides! You have the job!

BeanBean: oh thankyou so much!

All Beans: and from then on, BeanBean worked hard, and donated his salary to the guides headquarters funds. THE END!

happy birthday peishan!

i couldnt find any photo with just the 2 of us in it.
all that i want to say has already been said in the sms:D

i like you loads and loads and loads and loads:D
just know that while you have many other friends whom you can count on for help,
this bean will still be there whenever you need it.

just for the sake of bringing up old times,


我们在atc pia 到最后
Bean bean 永不放弃
bean bean 一定胜利

P2's over there!
Check out the patrol with the matching 豆豆s!

p2 bean bean 心在跳

: D
i still remember you as Soya Bean in our skit too.
ok, next post shall be our atc07 skit script XD


i feel quite bad for making huangching's birthday post so long hahaha.
now i feel like redo-ing everyone's birthday posts.

my yemao ahh
sorry that i didnt do a birthday post for you ahh
i only said 1 happy birthday.
share the same 'happy birthday' with mdm arfah somemore.
paiseh ahhhh
vivyan ahhhhh

i dont believe anyone elses' birthday post is as long as huang's cos huang's is like a birthday+farewell post.
since we're going into different classes next year.

i wanted to do a short paragraph on all 4k people too, as many others had done.
but when i'd first gotten that thought,(kind of like during eoys period)
i immediately discarded it again cos i know i wont finish it.

i tried writing for 40th batch when we passed down but in the end i didnt manage to complete it either so i dont think 4k's will be any different.

time to do another birthday post.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
happy birthday huangching!

i'll pass you your gift when we meet again, you jihoo lover!
ah, guess i wont be able to turn around and talk to you in class anymore.
no more doodling on scrap paper...

no more talk of kimbum or jihoo or junpyo or monkey face or *does jihoo face*
no more random calls of "SUBWAYYY!!" during class
no more laughing at random people in our class
no more going to the toilet (to break the toilet shelf)
no more going to the MOELC together
no more laughing about FF
no more turning-around-to-stare-at-shiyi
no more going home by bus 59 after 3rd lang and the long long long long chats that we always take

so i'll miss you k
even though i know, being the horrible you, you wouldnt miss me.
nvm kimbum'll comfort me HAHAHAHA.

the many times that you've hinted today's your birthday has finally led to this:


the day little huangching turns into a lao po po.

i'll always remember your super ass smacking skills

and i'll retake your quiz again someday so that i'll score 100.
after all, i now know that your favourite colour used to be turquoise and its currently pink.

ok, this is getting long.
or maybe it just seems long cos i put photos.

so i'll end off with;

stay happy stay sweet
stay naughty stay shy
stay hungry(so that we can have more lunches together) stay arty
stay destructive(and break the toilet bowl next time)
stay cute stay lovable stay fun

stay huang.
i took your ching away and you took my ee.
fair-fair ok.
(so i take kim and you take bum. HA)
sheng ri kuai le.

hans and jenn came over today.
liwen was supposed to come too :D

we went shopping for lunch and bought some fruits, some wota, some nuggets, etc.
then hanxi couldnt stand the mess in the kitchen so we did a massive clean-up.
they're my super nannies hahaha

my dad came home early today and he was appalled that my friends came over to clean.
its totally understandable.
i was O_O too, initially.

we threw alot of things away.
expired stuff, rusty stuff, stuff suspected of being expired, stuff that i'll never use, broken stuff, gross stuff.

oh the meal itself was quite nice: )
hanxi introduced the raw broccoli salad, and jenn fried the nuggets to perfection.
i made papaya milkshake.
jenn took a photo.maybe she'll post it, idk.
well, doesnt matter:D

by the end of the meal it was quite late already.
late 3 o clock in the afternoon.
then we cleaned some more, and did the treasure hunt (it was a failure. too short. too easy. too small scaled.)
then watched The Departure till 9+pm and i sent them to the mrt station.

apparently they've already watched hong kong version of The Departure already.
we watched the American one today.
they spotted the similar plot midway through the movie so it was abit late to watch something else.
anyway, the movie was quite nice, though i found it slightly confusing.
there were so many males and only 2 main females, so i kept getting the males mixed up.
plus, the scriptwriter seemed rather fond of the abbreviation for "Fornication Under Consent of King"
every sentence that the characters said was punctuated with it.

i quite admire the spy and detective.
during the show, i tried to imagine what i'd say or do if i were the baddie pretending to be a cop.
i'd definitely let something slip and have myself exposed in a matter of seconds-.-

and they let the good guy die just like that.
a shot in the head when the lift door opened.
so simple, no grandmother story, no attempt to let him live through the show.
i like it.

its quite refreshing to see some truth reflected in movies.

the good guy doesnt always win.
they die early.

we saw a lady dressed in yellow at my void deck.
she was peeking at an old lady with a child from behind the wall.
i found it rather creepy but continued walking towards the mrt(about 15-20 minutes walk away).
then when i thought we were out of her hearing range, i turned around to talk to hanxi and jenn, but got a shock when a blur of yellow flashed past me.
and i asked, "do you see the lady in yellow?"

lol. lucky jenn and hanxi saw her too.
while that doesnt prove she's human, it was enough to know i'm not alone LOL.

she went to hug that child the old lady was carrying.
ok, she's human.

she didnt look very ghostly in the first place, just creepy.

and anyway, i cant see any supernatural stuff.
thank God.

kk, off to slack.
oh btw the leftover papaya milkshake has formed into a curd-like thing.
it's like pudding.
and i didnt even do anything to it.
ah, the wonders of chemistry.
papaya+milk+time= curd-like rubbish.
liquid turned solid xP
so exciting.

(oh and hans jenn's coming over again tmr. they cant stand the thought of the kitchen being anything less than perfect. i've never heard of people who wanna visit others just to clean their house for them 0_0 wow. i'm obviously thankful for such weird mates la hahaha!!)


Wednesday, November 18, 2009
its 5.11pm now.
i took about 2 hours to do the previous post wow.

oh and i forgot to mention 2 things.

1. i ate 10 eggs in 2 omeletes this morning. i hope the protein intake really helps hair growth.

2. uen fang is that scout's elder sister.
that yr3 scout from taiwan. the gentle giant. from yiting's coj patrol, p4 shuriken.

funny that i've been to his house to attend his sister's birthday party, to bake with his sister, to muck around and do nothing, to disturb his mum, and yet, when i first saw him in school, he daoed me because he really didnt recognise me.
i still think he doesnt know that his sister and i are connected.

one day, i shall just turn up at his house in my guides u and say hi to uen fang, who is also a girl guide.

i met her during thinking day, when guides all over singapore met up and sang songs hahaha.

yay. surprise visit XD

i'm in the midst of planning a treasure hunt for tomorrow.
i sincerely hope nothing goes wrong.

all i wanna do is to curl up on my bed and read a good book.

this holiday feels as though it'll end soon.
i dont want it to end even though i'm a little weeny bit excited about senior high.

i shouldnt have signed the contract.
boohoo. i'll be wasting time, money, and effort.
plus, i'll be by myself.
double stupid.
ok actually i should be thankful for a job. shouldnt grumble so much.
stupid stupid stupid grumbling.

should the treasure hunt be held at the beach?
what if it rains?):

hans suggested that we have it in my room since finding stuff in it is kind of impossible.

i'm trying to make my hair grow faster.
then perhaps it wouldnt look so horrid.
i did abit of research online, and found that an increase in protein consumption helps.
i also discovered that gene determines the rate of growth of hair.
on average, each strand grows 6 inches per year.
thats about 12cm?
so 1cm per month.
i've only got, say 1 week before i go back to malaysia.
no chance of growing out of the current fringe crisis then.

great way to make an impression after months and months apart.

yep's in december.late december.
so lets say i have about 2 months till then.
2 cm.
oh, and that makes so much difference-__-

on a brighter note,
i'm not as fussed as i make myself sound.
if i were twelve, i'd be in sulk-mode now.
but at sixteen, i guess it hardly matters.(even though to a certain extent, it still does)

people who believe that looks arent important are so wrong.
at least, if you're talking about the 21st century.
first impressions matter.
and first impressions are ultimately, yes youve guessed it, looks.
before you're ready to talk to a stranger, you analyse that person's appearence.
it is only after they've passed the first superficial test that you move on to find out about their personality.
and then go deeper to unravel his or her character.

oh by the way, i had a horrible haircut back in p5 or p6 i think.
when i went to class, nobody mentioned the word 'hair'.
even getting teased would have been better.
when it becomes a taboo topic, its a sure sign that it has reached its maximum disgust level.
hahaaa, learn from aunty teo, do not take photos at any cost.
it was just too bad that i went to china in the same year, and as you all know, a travel's not a travel without photos to document it right?
so yes, i have cold hard proof that scissors shouldnt be let near me.
oh joy.

hmm should the treasure hunt be held in a mall?
then i could make liwen han jenn run through different storeys.

oh paiseh, my thoughts are all over the place.

i cant remember if it was in 4/9, 5/9 or 6/10 that i did this.
because of the young enterprise project thing, a few of us started hanging out together.
it was purely hanging out. we each had our own domestic group of friends who were not part of this gang.
this enterprise group included people like jinni, sometimes amanda, saufi who shares the same birthday as me, sean, gabriel, eccles?, zhouyang? and blah.
i think there were about 9 of us.
we'd just meet at the mall, then someone'd go missing, and we'd go search,
and the whole outing'd have become a sort of massive hide and seek + chase game.
i think ginger was involved too. she has probably gone back to china already.

we used to get scolded for running on the escalators too.

i imagine if the treasure hunt's in the mall, the whole experience'd be similar.


In primary school, p5 i think, i had a PE teacher called Mr Chan.
he often made us play the captain's ball while guys hit it out at the bball court, or just let us run around the fields.
there was once when uen fang pushed herself so hard that she sort of collasped.
we hurried her to the sick bay,
we as in her closer friends,
and tended to her.
then Mr Chan came and made a snide remark, "wow i didnt know you guys were capable of caring for each other."

i thought it came as a very horrid insult.
i'm probably very good at bearing grudges,
especially since i still remember this sorry little remark years after it emerged from his mouth.

not that i bear the grudge against him.
not him. just the remark.

his wife let me join the track team hahaha.
i didnt like it. went to quit after they started having saturday trainings in an effort to not-miss the saturday cartoons.
pokemon at 1030am.


derrick used to go home with xitheng.
he'd ride his bike, and xitheng'd place her school bag in the basket.
i'd tag along sometimes since i live in the block opposite them.
the sadistic tree is sandwiched between our two blocks.

i recall derrick getting teased by gabriel and gang when he brought/bought a powerpuff girl book to school.

i never knew esther tan was from junyuan too until,..uh.i dont know how i got to know about it either haha.
and i never knew tan jia qi is in fact emily from 4I09.
all i've ever heard about her was from zhouyang.


i hated sitting between zhouyang and abel in p5 and i made that very clear to them.
now that i think about it,
hey i was a really really rude girl then.
maybe still am(;

ok fine.
still am > : (

ok, enough flashbacking.
i shall continue my wonderful treasure hunt planning: )

大风吹 把头摇一摇
风停了 就挺直腰
大雨来 弯着背让雨浇
雨停了 抬起头 ***

(forgot last 3 words)

小草 实在是 并不小
: )

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
i read through my archives
and found that its filled with guides guides guides,

and grammatical/spelling errors.

i spent the whole of today in my own world.
had piano lesson at 4pm today,
then met up with jenn and hans in the evening to find aton.
aton called me as we walked towards his office,
and we were about 10 steps apart but i didnt know, and neither did he,
but hans and jenn did.

so while the 2 of us talked,
they laughed at the stupidity of the whole scene : O

when he called this afternoon,
i had abit of trouble deciphering his speech.
i thought it was just me,
but when hans jenn and i got together,
we realised its not just us.
i feel so paiseh to have to say 'huh?' everytime he speaks.

makes me feel as though i'm talking to baxter, or to lobo in a crowded mall.

anyway, enough about aton.
i bet he secretly laughs at me cos i told him i got C for math.

i'm gonna try focusing my thoughts on you.
you you you and you alone.
so that while you sleep, you'll dream of me.
i thought you said you had nothing to do today?
why so tired then? ):
hmm sleep well anyway.

piano lesson went ok.
she was rather patient with me today.
probably cos i practiced abit today and didnt sound so bad.

my brother keeps watching repeated episodes of cartoons without knowing that they're repeated.
the ben10 thing 2 days ago is an example.
i happened to walk past the living room then, and saw this scene whereby ben had transformed into a werewolf alien thing.
then i said 'eh. youve watched this before.'
and he cried in defiance ' no la its a new episode!'

then i predicted the next scene and it happened exactly the way i'd described.

there was a scooby doo episode that kept repeating too.
i'm soooo sick of it.
its the one where the team meets this band dressed to the gothic theme etc.
then they solve this mystery about the abduction of band members.
in this episode, there's one part where the band sings,
and i absolutely hate it when the song unravels from the tv and screams into my ear.
its the same song over and over again.
it has replayed about 5 times already and my brother has zero recollection of it.


no wonder he never remembers what i tell him.

plus, after piano, i went to a nearby coffeeshop and bought some food back for my brother and mum.
before i left for lesson, i asked what they wanted, and my brother said mixed rice so ok, i went for piano, keeping that in mind.
then after my lesson, i found that he wasnt at home.
that little brat had gone out with his friends.

ok. so what happens to the rice then?
dad wasnt home to eat it, mum had her own food already, sickening kid's out with his mates, and i had to rush off to meet jenn and hans so that we wouldnt be late for aton.

*grumpy me*

i know it'd be funny if i ended this post with
'overall, it has been a great day: D'
but still. it has: )

i just happened to leave out the : D parts and only blogged about the #$&^(&^$ stuff.

reading my archives irritates me but i like doing it.
i dont like all the ): posts.
i dont like the sentimental ones.
and i especially %$%$# the ones related to lame games.

but they're fun to read(:
its nice to be able to laugh at others and not be sued for it.
laughing at me is safe.

i dont like the word 'emo'.
i dont understand why people'd want others to think they're emo peemos.

reflecting is good, emoing is bad.

ok blah.
ive ranted enough.

im still focusing my thoughts on you.
if you dream of me, do let me know!


yellow wanying is high on demand.
i wonder who the green shirt person is. what are you trying to do hurh???

blue one's me, pointing to wei.
wei raises her arms as if surrendering xP

yet we all know, i'm too demure to threaten, and wei's too strong to surrender.

milk bottle and jidan aka humpty dumpty (named by esther herself) from esther tan!

yeoch. forever feminine.

eh huangching! remember what our FF stood for?
hahahaha so long nvr go use that term alr!):
imagine if FF was FF!(our FF was forever feminine)

the receiver. the egg. and the creator.

the chair and vice chair of 3k08 and 4k09
: D
not a very glam picture cos we were both #$^$##%&% from running around during the bbq
but i like this picture cos its got my beloved vice chair in it: D

i'm so excited!
Aton called haha: D
wheee first time lei, and i havent even sent my resume yet.

ok i've done my theory homework.
havent practiced.will start at 1.45pm later.

i read esther's blog.
every single dedication: D
and i realised, only mine ends off with 'i love you' lei!
YIPPIE love you too, sthr!
i shall go see ah tzyy's blog later.
ok maybe i'll start practicing at 2pm instead.

vivyan said thanks for the past 2 years to me yesterday, and also said i was a good chairperson: D
yay i'm so happy hahaha.
will post some photos that i kupped from esther in the next post
so that those with no access to her blog can see it too XD


back's nice. front's not.
: ) :

i think i fell asleep while talking to jenn yesterday.
though i'm not too sure if i talked to jenn.
maybe i was dreaming.

visited zhou's blog yesterday.
she must be one of the most consistent bloggers around.

piano postponed to 4pm.
i should take this time to practice.

Monday, November 16, 2009
jenn and i cut our hair together after school today.
met kiatshing at a bus stop.
he was staring at this bus sign thing.the one with all the bus numbers listed.
jenn said he looked lost, like (imagine this thought bubble above his head)
"which bus can i take home?"
i thought he looked blur instead, like "is this a bus sign?"

i wanted to seek papa's permission before getting a haircut.
i was worried he'd be ): that i spend 12 times the amount he does for a haircut.
this was $12, but in malaysia, about RM2.00?
or maybe the price has risen since i last went back.

so i called him a few times but he didnt pick up.
probably at a meeting.
then i sent him an sms.

me: Pa can i cut my hair tday?$12.not cut short though. if you want me to cut in msia also can haha but msia de v ugly:/
(note: i'm only refering to the hairdresser that i often go to, not the whole of msia. please do not be offended in any way)

pa: Ok. Make yourself beautiful. Ha

haha. pa, thats an impossible task.
dont challenge the hairdresser la(;

went for class lunch at macs today so that we could use up the vouchers.
shared a meal with jovina. she ate the nuggets and i ate the fries.
i found out that she cant stand the potato taste.

hanxi taught me abit of bridge.
she's a wonderful teacher haha.
huang helped me with my first game too.
and i think fiona's pro at it.

vivyan met with a little accident today.
she seemed better after seeing the doctor's, but i'd still like to say,
hey yemao, wish you a speedy recovery: D
-from your fa cai mao

during an item today,
i saw a pretty girl from G class.
she stood at the extreme left corner.

wheeee i like pretty girls.

i'm off to slack.
piano tmr.

oh no.
piano tmr.

haha piano tmr.


Sunday, November 15, 2009
i just typed a 518 words long post about today.
but it was all about boring things like snoozing my alarm clock and brushing my teeth so i've deleted it.

the gist of today, 15th nov 2009,
20 months since 15th feb 2008,
is that i had piano, went to the library to borrow children version of jane eyre (its a comic and its total shingz), and caught a movie (my girlfriend is an agent), then went home and had icecream for dinner.

i like the female lead from the movie.
she reminds me of seohyun.

i like the male lead too.
clumsy and awkward.

i like my company best.

hmmm gotta wake up early tomorrow
back into school uniform: D
yay i like.
cant wait for SH uniform too: D
as long as i dont end up looking like a bazhang, i'm sure i'll have a happy SH life.

kk, off to read a book and then to sleep.
oh my oh my oh my.
i'll need to reach school by 7.30am tomorrow for commencement ceremony rehearsal!
i'll definitely be late.
better send weizsxh an sms to warn her first.

quote of the day: better late than never.
86 days or 300+ days, it doesnt matter:D

i realised 'peach' is not a nice word.
to peach, is to tell-tale or to rat on someone.

yet, you know what my peach means(:
right, usan?

off to lesson 16 minutes later.
in the meantime, i shall continue to read my book.
i've almost reached the climax, i think.

so exciting!
: D

Saturday, November 14, 2009
chalet was great:D
commencement ceremony prep was draggy, but not bad.

i am off to sleep.

i dont know what to expect tmr.

havent practiced my piano pieces, havent done my theory.
but i've got until 1pm to do(:
piano's been postponed to 1pm haha.

kk, really off to sleep(;

i keep washing my hair these days.
i like the feel of clean hair; D


i forgot to mention,


and esther had very pretty hair.

: D

i peach my patrol mates.


Thursday, November 12, 2009
i realised i didnt talk about xiaowei in my previous post.
which is weird, considering that i spent a large part of atc with her.
in the bus etc.

xiaowei and i followed p5 zorro around for OJ;)
at the minesweeper station, they cheered relatitvely loudly: D

i havent pack for chalet yet.
need to go shop for bbq materials!D:
and i'm still searching for my PJs.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
back from atc!

we sang a birthday song for fiona with the campfire as candle on the 10th nov.

i must say, i was rather touched on the last day(today) when some sec2s gave in their very best for evaluation.
they'll know who they are(:
though i was rather disappointed, at the same time, that after 2 years, some junior(s) still havent embraced guides wholeheartedly.
if you really accept guides, you'll understand that there is no 'me' but only 'us',
and you'll understand that as part of 'us', you should help boost each other's morale and cheer.
simply mouthing the words wouldnt do.

are you ashamed of being a guide?

you know who you are.
jiayou, there's not much time left for you to change.
your trainee days will be over in a flash.
you need to make full use of it.
: D
time is the essence here.

i'll continue to ji shi until you can cheer: )
for now,
have more sense of urgency!!



chalet tomorrow!
so exciting!
i cant wait to see 4k again haha.

we didnt catch any more than 30min of sleep last night, according to lihui.
luckily i took naps whenever i got the chance to(on the floor, with the grass etc)
and my, the nap throughout the bus ride was sooo sweet!

i sort of woke up with pains all over cos my sleeping condition wasnt that great.
i'm too unused to camps already.
it didnt use to matter where i slept haha.

i learnt that peishan's taking H3 cme(civics moral education)!
private candidate summore lei wowwww

kimberley's taking h3 Tamil hahahaa!

oh during the campfire itself, the year4s zihigh-ed alot.
peishan kept doing the muthu version of the 2004 national day song, very funny!XD
you should really hear her HAHA
we did the estherhong cheer too!
it goes like this:

A: esther!

i peach usan.
usan said she thought peach was a bad thing so she said she didnt peach me.
you know what peach means lo):
well lihui said she strawberries me: D

jennifer and i shared the same bed last night!
HAHA you're jealous right?

usan kept toying with my primary school passport photo ):
then that hanxi still go distort my face by shaking usan's gadget round and round!D:

when hans, jenn and i boarded a bus today, we went up to the 2nd deck and there was this seat counter thing mah, so i swept my hand around profusely midway up the stairs to let the counter detect my presence.
then hans and jenn started laughing at me!D:
hans still said that a guy in white shirt(stranger) was laughing at me too leh.
im so embarassed.
i told you today was a stupid-teoee day):

then we went to fill in some application form and i had to fill in my weight
but i accidentally wrote my height instead so i ended up being 100+ kg #$^$@#!!@
then i realised my mistake and cancelled that number, only to replace it with my real weight in kg.
but problem was, i couldnt remember my weight(i go 'round telling people i'm 78kg so i end up forgetting my real weight)!
i'm around forty something kg,
so i wrote '4' first and continued to wonder what the exact number was.

then boom
i forgot to fill in the rest and submitted '4kg'

i only realised that when i was in the mrt train, on the way home.


i was asked for my Emath and english grade too.
at the mention of Emath grade,
hans and jenn started laughing at me):
of course, i couldnt help but laugh at myself too.
why so suay, ask me about math?!

luckily i had my english(LA)grades to save me.
when that person asked for my english grade, i stoned, and hanxi and jenn both said 'A' so i just agreed.
yep, A.

but after that,
i realised that i got an A+ !
i cheated myself of 1 grade.

too late to go tell that person le lol.
oh wells.

i did patrol cheers/songs with estherhong today!
so happy: D

kk, chalet tmr.
i'm super excited.


Monday, November 9, 2009
i'm taking econs 0_0

guess i can still form a partnership with mathy people and set up a hotel: D

guides camp tmr!
so exciting!

atc atc atc : D

i like wanying's blogsong.alot.

and i didnt get to see huang jing lun!!!

nvm next time i'll go tag jo and see he wei jian
: D

i like yoga's singing.

shiyi just smsed me.
she said she wants to "show off her thing-thing".


Sunday, November 8, 2009
Caroline Meyer's book In Mozart's Shadow is heart wrenching.
It's based on Mozart's life, but not Mozart the guy pianist;
its Mozart the girl pianist instead.

Wolferl Mozart's sister, Nennerl Mozart was also a very good pianist. While she did not have talent overflowing from her fingers and music pouring from her head as effortlessly as her brother had, she made up with alot of hardwork.(and contrary to my experiences, it paid off for her)

she could have been a well known pianist if not for her gender.

their father took pains to groom Mozart the guy, and invested everything in him,
leaving no opportunity for his girl to pursue her dream.

so sad):

Furthermore, she ended up marrying a worthless guy and became the stepmother of 5 unruly children when she had had a better suitor who, despite being too old and poor for her, loved her alot.
the one whom she married let his children bully her.
burn in hell, man.

when that poor excuse for a husband didnt take care of her, Armand, that rejected suitor took it upon himself to care for her and for her child too.
and while she loved that Armand, she still continued to bear children for that other guy.
as if having 5 stepchildren were not enough.

ok i shant continue about the book.
its her life.and she's dead by now.
so is mozart.(the guy)

i am growing fatter by the second.
cluck cluck.
fat hens all end up as dinner.
: O

spars are gone from my shoulder: )

i wonder if there's school tomorrow.

i'm so excited about class chalet: D

cant wait.
PJ party wheeeeeeeee!

i suddenly realise that im not prepared for o levels.
too late now :\

and huang still asked me to get A1 with her.
eh huang, cannot la):
i didnt study leh. HAHA.

: O

i've only finished 3 of the 9 layers in jiu ceng gao.
quite sick of it already.

i hope i'm not your jiu ceng gao.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


at least, thats what it feels like.
its aching so much.

i like wanying's tag about the frog.
: )

i dont know why my post disappeared.but im here to repost.

"its not possible between us, we're siblings." says the girl.

Friday, November 6, 2009
afternoon spent with jenn: D
loved it.
her mum is cute hahaha

Mr Sng is my confucious.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

this is an eye test.
do you see the girl in pink at the background?
see her rear?
well go get your specs changed!
that's the shoulder of the girl who's holding the camera!-.-

my dearest 4k

please bring rags and pails etc for tmr!
its embarassing to kup pails from the toilet.

i sort of look forward to tmr.
performances: D
i like mass gatherings with the whole level.
kinda ironic that i dont like going to the canteen then eh?

in the hall/pac/lectures/morning assemblies, at least i know where to avoid, who to look out for, and how to look as though i know where i'm going(ok i know jenn's smirking at this.)

in the canteen, i'm totally lost.
i dont like feeling and looking lost):
plus, i never know who i'll meet.

eeks so uncomfortable.
and honestly the food, in my opinion, is not worth my unease at having to meet strangers there.

i keep pretending that i've forgotten to blog in chinese.
i often genuinely forget when i start my posts,
but i'll remeber halfway through blogging.

by then, the lazy bug's already bitten half my brain off and defecated on my heart so i lose all my will to blog in chinese.

from what ms koh said,
i sort of gathered that econs may not be the thing for me after all.
if i take it, traces of mathew will come back to haunt me.
as many of you guys probably know from drama series etc,
having a stalking ex- is freaky.
i am going to A levels without you.
and yes.
you. have. been. dumped.

come to your senses, math.
there are too many problems between us.
it wouldnt work out.(well, at least i wouldnt be able to work out any solutions)


qianru says chemistry is a tough nut to crack.
she heard that physics is a better prey. It surrenders its As more easily.
oh my.

i'm not inclined in either ways.

i dont think i'll get into science society after all.
i mean,
oh lord, i didnt know we had to submit a portfolio in addition to filling the form and getting a teacher to write a reccommendation thingy for you, and filling so much particulars that you feel as though you're registering for a passport ):


if i ever get round to doing it, then perhaps i might go into the club.
but if not,

hi tennis: D

i'm interested in golf though.
but i dont suppose time'd warrant me such luxury next year.

esther tan and i upset mrs har today.
): unknowingly, of course.
but still, damage's already done.

so sorry):

li lao shi was in a rather good mood today: D
i like her so much!
will really miss her next year):

i drew a miss fang today.
baxter gave the thumbs up HAHA.
i thought it was quite an accurate depiction too: D

i think miss fang is really tired.

plus, she keeps falling asleep when she's around me.
i must be a very plain and boring person.
especially since she has mentioned that she's a visual learner and interesting looking things make her excited.

i told heather that miss fang says its an honour to be called a bimbo.
i was about to explain why, but before that, she had already called me one.
miss fang says, at least bimbos are pretty.
i think heather's a bimbo too.
: D

i honestly think wanying should join miss Singapore, and then move on to Universe.
she's what i think a perfect candidate should be.

she asked if anyone wanted to run for SC with her.
initially, i considered the appeal.
but then i cant remember if it was zuoyue or charmaine, but one of them mentioned that there has been people with 0 votes.
i'm rather disheartened.
dont think i should run with Pan Shu le: \
zuoyue says wy'll definitely get alot of votes.
i think so too!her ren yuan is very good, and besides, surely a future miss singapore/universe can also qualify as an SC?
zuoyue also kindly added that i'll get votes too, but neh.
i'd rather live an anonymity than to embarrass myself publicly and become the next Boomz girl.
i dont mean any offence to the ex miss singapore candidate, but it is undeniably terrifying to be in your shoes.

i'm going to write the cards for teacherrrrss today: D
i'll miss them so):

i'm a rather sentimental creature yknow.
i'll probably grow old and sit in my rocking chair all day, crying about the pet hamsters, rabbits and terrapins that i use to have.
provided that i live till then.
(seems too soon to be true though.i think 2050's more probable.)

k, off whatever i want to do.

oh oh ya
i went to the library with jenn today!
we borrowed the same book.
there were 2 copies of the same one you see: )

papa says reading is not the same as studying.
it's the same as watching tv.
i'm so upset):
(well actually not really la.but i feel rather indignant about his statement.)
if that's true,
i might as well go watch tv.



she hasnt decided where to go yet.

okok, off to do what i really want to do.

P.S. i peach usan.

i caught 11.11pm today when i timed myself for zuowen.
was very tempted to notify you, but wondered if i should start a conversation when i knew i had to end it soon after cos of the overwhelming work.

while wondering, it turned 11.12pm so i just sent you a mental message.

i gave myself a break and went for a long bath in the middle of zuowening.
i havent started on a single paragraph yet but i've written my da gang: D
i've got 1 hour left to write.

zuowen due at 1.23am today.
so i'm off.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009





arghy 气死人了。

Monday, November 2, 2009



esther is a sensitive person. she is attuned to others' needs but often neglects her own.
she is also very sensible and understanding as she takes the effort to find out the whole story before making a judgement, and often, a good one.
in many cases, she is just a very good listener and ceases to even judge at all.
she is a natural giver, so i think people should let her try on the receiver role more often.
try receiving my love, esther: D
beep beep is the signal getting through?


its nothing compared to EOYs, nothing compared to busying over PEA.
i like to comfort myself in the fact that my dad's still sane.

though i'm not too sure if i'll stay the same.

if i had one wish,
i'd wish for everybody to be happy.
yet we all know, wishes dont come true.
that's why they're called wishes, not wills.

"go chase after your dreams"
like as if the likes of us still have the capacity to dream.
its simply not possible when our minds are so cluttered with junk.
homework.tests.wondering about life. searching for something to search. wanting. disliking. regretting. disappointing. trying. losing. failing. not trying. laughing, and crying at the same time.

i blame the world for everything that's happening.

the same trick used twice.
why am i not surprised.

forget about blogging in chinese.

Sunday, November 1, 2009
“life is hard.why not make it harder?"

这句话pisses me off.


xiaowei, 你的xiao 和wei 怎么写?: O


get one from cbox!
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