Friday, September 5, 2008
Dear me, i would like to film a show.maybe i'll write a script and submit it. : D
i want to share intense emotions.hahaaa.
: D
i want to let the world know, how little things can mean alot,be it for the good or bad.
: D
i want to let you know how horrid you make me feel.
i want to let you know how heartwarmed you make me feel.
i want to let you know that you shouldnt assume things.
i want to let you know that i dont like you that way.
i want to let you know that all the above are different yous
and last of all, i want you to know that You might not be any of these yous. and that you might not even know these yous. and that those yous might not even exist,
so YOU, yes YOU, please dont assume anything and make yourself miserable ok? : D because the probability of the above yous to be YOU, is very low.yep. : D if you still feel insecure, ask me. yep. i promise i'll be truthful.hahaa.