Wednesday, September 3, 2008
 my brother's zilian, such a young age too..): HAHAHHH.he DOES NOT take after me ok? he's not shy or demure enough > : D
 i found this.didnt know he took it,but i think it's him. O.O LOL. good for bio lessons,no?
 artistic picture of his toy.he may just be a photographer when he grows up,hahaaa.
 hey USAN! this is my house-maid. hahaaa.the one that ruined my textbook(which i had conveniently thrown onto the floor and left it there for dead)
 i know this looks weird, but hey, im musically inclined ok?(LOL,this is total fiction.) “oi, banana nt trumpet! -->” esther tan
i wonder whose hand that was O.O
(taken on the health day, aka banana day.remember?dhs banana day) TENGYAN's beside me! this was when i still sat with esther tan(:
 Banana cake,LOL. eaten by banana people. wearing banana costume. LOOK!THAT'S FIONA! banana fiona: D(o.o rhymes) and HANXI must be the one behind that camera.i mean just look! she's holdin' pink. and hanxi's a PINK person.
thanks esther, for sending these: D
esthers make my day full of : D esther hong, upon reading the previous post, asked me what happened.
o.o quite unexpected, but be prepared. (:
lol,no link.
(actually i wanted to say, quite unexpected but sweet.but then the word"unexpected"made me think of "expect the unexpected" and that lead to "be prepared"which is guides' and scout's motto,haa.)
going off le,bye.