Thursday, April 5, 2012


In philosophy, "The Absurd" refers to the conflict between the human tendency to seek value and meaning in life and the human inability to find any. In this context absurd does not mean "logically impossible," but rather "humanly impossible."[1] The universe and the human mind do not each separately cause the Absurd, but rather, the Absurd arises by the contradictory nature of the two existing simultaneously. Absurdism, therefore, is a philosophical school of thought stating that the efforts of humanity to find inherent meaning will ultimately fail (and hence are absurd) because the sheer amount of information, including the vast unknown, makes certainty impossible. As a philosophy, absurdism also explores the fundamental nature of the Absurd and how individuals, once becoming conscious of the Absurd, should react to it.


Okay I know I've just done something I've been told not do to since I first used the computer for school work: copied from wikipedia

First paragraph some more. Shame on me.
I just wanted to highlight that this is what has been running through my mind recently though.
Whenever I'm in one of those moods, I turn to 2 other blogs to read about their take on life, and I find my wiki. I'm not usually a big fan of wiki, because my teachers say it's evil, but it's really convenient. Besides, I remembered to credit my source (: albeit not in an academic and acceptable way.

As I type, Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake is playing. When the rhythm picks up, my typing naturally paces itself accordingly and I reckon I look like one of those maniac pianists.

About the finding meaning thing, urgh, it's troubling much. It like a battle between my consciousness and the force of nature, yknow. On one hand, I want to live my life knowing that every moment builds up to an absolute truth upon which I might discover at the end of my chores on Earth, but on the other, I want to slip into a comfortable routine and let distractions take away what philosophers might call my Authentic self. Most of the time, the latter occupies me.

When I don't work, I have nothing to do and I dwell on my lack of purpose. When I do work, however, I still feel like my existence has no value because I do things that support the current worldly conditions. In no way have I changed the world. I'm just a part of this whole cycle, where people are born and raised, and then they in turn give birth and raise their kids to keep the cycle going. It's as though there is no way that the world can change because the system cannot disintegrate. Society wouldn't let it. See, we seem to have a need for equilibrium. We counter almost any change that occurs because of our ontological anxiety towards the unknown: "who knows what might happen if we...?"
It's kind of like this photo. Okay, maybe not.
...more like this. It's like we're all in that car, and we try so hard to stay like that because any change, any slight movement, might either send us hurling through the air and into the deadly waters, or it might also bring us back to safety on land, where we can find comfort and perhaps drive someplace else to go see Florida's sunrise, but being natural pessimists, our emphasis is on the possibility of falling into the waters, so we're desperate to stay as we are. I would suppose that's why whenever there is any deviation from the norm, say in the economy, we'd go into panic. The same goes for worrying over a fall in birth rates, a rise in sea level, our spaghetti becoming too soggy, and our hm, grades fluctuating.


Well, that aside, I would like to mention that if the world is simply a projection from my mind, I'm probably not a very imaginative person. My world's kind of a bore.

I'd also like to point out that I hate sharing towels, and that I used to be an INFP but I'm not sure now because I feel so out of touch with myself.

Oh, and that there's a Kyushu fair at Tampines Mall.

I want to go to school/university now. Life is easy when you're encouraged to think of stuff that yknow, have usually been thought of before, and when you don't have to take shit from anyone, or to anticipate any, if people seem too nice to you now, ha.


get one from cbox!
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