Saturday, February 4, 2012
Walking by a canal after work, because I like to stroll home. It's pretty relaxing.
Am annoyed easily sometimes. Is it that my tolerance for them's just lower than for others, or that they're good at being offensive and irritating?
I like to look far ahead as I walk along the canal. I like how the trees overlap the sky from my point of view. It's like I'm living in a greeting card.
I want to just sit by the path and stone. I'm good at thinking about nothing in particular. I think that's how I stay sane, although I might look otherwise while I'm at it. Too bad there are people jogging by the path...I can't just plop myself down in this case.
I think I am talented. I don't know how to make the best use of myself.
There is an orangey red plastic bag that has just floated past me. I think I should scoop it up but I can't reach into the canal without a tool.
I think I regret saying that im talented. If I were, I'd be something by now.
I just heard a duck. Perhaps it's a toad which sounds like a duck.
I like to think disjointedly when I stroll. Just skim the surface of my thoughts and move on. Life is so easy like this.
Yay I'm on the way home. Can watch drama with my dad and read my history-fiction.
Sometimes I think they expire. Yea, they grow little films of clouds, like the mould on stale bread. I'd like to paint what I see in my head. Perhaps I'd name it FTE.
The word of the day is Abruptly. I like how it sounds today.