Thursday, October 6, 2011
Sometimes people pretend not to understand, so that they dont have to feel obligated to help. They ask, only to seem to care, because they feel that it is a required gesture.
Sickness plagues me. I am ill.
Silence does not equate to guilt, nor submission. Silence is a statement. It is a rejection meant to say that one has understood your reasons for asking, and am not inclined to participate in your rhetoric game.
In the biggest gamble that i have ever taken, i am aware that i have lost, and am losing even more. Yet like any addict, it is difficult to quit. If i do, it will only leave behind a pathetic self that can never be redeemed. All dignity is lost, and i can blame no one but myself.
All dignity is lost, and still i continue, because stopping is not a choice. The rat race needs me to prop its winners up. If not, from whence shall their throne be built?