Wednesday, October 27, 2010
today's a bad day.
i was up to my forehead (neck, is an understatement) in work yesterday night, which forewarned the resulting xiaoming day.

last night was a frenzy of smses reminding science society members to bring phototaking items, doing up duty list for science society's GoSH! booth, as well as polishing, distributing, and memorising OP script. all due one after the other.

i thought i was going to fall apart, but luckily, whatever fall i had made, was into sleep at about 1 or 2AM, after browsing through my part of OP script.

i woke up with a pounding head and slightly red eyes. My hair was a mess because...well its always in a mess. I was supposed to see Dr Yap at 7am to discuss science society research project but i was late. i reached school at about 745am. Somemore Sandy said she had a headache so she didnt come with me (but she got better in the noon and came for GoSH :D).

fortunately Dr Yap and i hadnt decided on a specific time to meet, so i wasnt really not-punctual, just late. but it was a bad start to a bad day anyway.

was quite late for flagraising because Dr Yap maximised talking time, so i had to run.
i hate running in public. so shi tai, since i'm not usain bolt or whatever.
anyway, i joined this random column of yr5s just in time not to get scolded by teachers.

next, went for GoSH briefing by Mr Chia. Then went on to practice for OP trial's trial.
First practice.
i felt unprepared.
and worried.
then nervous, when i stepped into the classroom.

i dont usually feel like that, so i thought it was pretty bad.
i wasnt familiar with my part yet.

when i spoke before the crowd, my legs were shivering (although nobody else seems to have noticed. Ms Tan even said i appeared confident.). Plus, although i tried not to read off the script, i got caught reading off our group's laptop as miaomiao clicked on the slides.

Then went for GoSH. alternated between science society and SC booth.
SC booth, house flags kept toppling over every 30seconds. science society booth, quite uh, no, too peaceful (that was before yr4s were released to browse the booths).

then after the shift, went to do OP, then left to submit WR pretty soon.
discussed abit of pw, then left.

pearlyn was chionging her WR, and i didnt know how to get to NTU without her (and jenn!)'s help so i waited. anyway, even if i had known, it was safer to travel in pairs.

if 1 person gets lost, she may never see home again.
if 2 people get lost, they can start a new home.
not so scary then, right?(:

uh so while waiting, i got spotted by science society members at the zhengxinyuan so i joined them for phototaking.
i thought i wasnt going to participate this morning so i lent yijia my cca shirt. turned out that i joined. (though this is not 'bad' la. i didnt mind lending the shirt. i wasnt supposed to be phototaking anyway).

so i had to smile even though i was one of the few in school uniform only.
it was fun though, with yijia sam, joshua, winston xuexun etc.
winston was mean to me about some white bugs in the zhengxinyuan. stupid kid.

pearl and i left for NTU at 5pm.
then we took a shuttle bus from pioneer to NTU.
hadnt eaten anything the entire day):

we didnt know which bus stop to get off at cos
1. we (i) lost count
2. uh. well. it's pearlyn and me wad. we always do these sort of things.

then we ended up back at pioneer mrt before we realised it.

so we ran back to the side of the mrt where we can take shuttle bus again.
luckily a bus was in sight immediately.
we ran over,only to find that its the same bus we just took.
the driver refused to let us on and drove off.

we waited long for the second bus.
i managed to get one bread.

then we got off at the more correct stop in ntu (the bus almost went off with me when pearl got off cos some lady was giving me directions and the bus driver forgot that i wanted to get off) and walked a great deal before reaching the talk venue (some econs talk).

we were just about to enter, when the door opened and people started streaming out.
the talk had ended 15 min early, and we happened to reach 15 min before scheduled ending time.

i.e. we didnt catch anything at all.

saw yeoch and his friends (he told me wentian'd and yokeming'd be there but i didnt see her.), then left for home with pearl.

we walked uphill for a long while before reaching the shittle bus place.
it was torture.
pearlyn, at one junction, wanted to sit down and roll back down the slope.

she really just stood there, looking roll-y leh.

we were both spent.

so yada yada, more or less end of recount.

its not a really xiaoming day, but its enough to make me feel like ^&*!$^*)*&( being a reuben.

( good things that happened: chenteck and i combined forces to tease reuben about shiyi. that was fun. oh, and we finally submitted WR. YAY happy pears!)



get one from cbox!
Previous Posts:
ok..not as prepared as i thought we'd be.but never... i'm sleeping 1 hour earlier than i did yesterday. ... i think the biggest problem with our world, is tha... OMG i have the biggest headache ever from joy!!!JO... Stolen Voices is a good book.The concept is very s... woomigosh ive got pw!cant go to the cc afterall.i ... sometimes, 'screwed' doesnt even begin to describe... i like this happy colour.i saw a lizard eating a f... i change my mind. i'm an upset pear, and pw sucks. i kind of think i like doing pw.oh dear, friends, ...
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