Sunday, January 10, 2010
the day before school starts.

samantha told me that ruonan has jiaodai-ed her to pass me something.
i suddenly realised i wont be seeing ruonan tomorrow and it upsets me.
i'm already starting to miss her.

i'm touched that you left me something before you leave for another school.

sam and i intend to meet her up on her birthday: D
i sincerely hope school doesnt get in the way.

my brother devoted some nights painting this flower.
we're on a painting craze. at least, i am.
he hasnt completed yet. i've done 2 already.
this is a photo i got online, by the way.

i got this photo off google too. compare it with my painting:D

the drawing stage.( i did not use tracing paper ok?!)

i cropped and adjusted the brightness. it was fun painting.

again, fron the net. hibiscus.
i know. it looks wilted. i wasnt in the best of moods while painting this, and it reflected off my work ok.
i was gonna throw this away halfway through painting, but my mum persuaded me to fill in blank spaces so i did.
which is why it now exists.
i crerdited the painting to my mum and i.
working table.


(photo not available due to indecent exposure as pointed out by lihui herself)
the day at lihui's place.
my pretty twin: D

her pink panther, my brother's Mr Bean Bear.
we had a little tea party ahahahaha.

4k teoheng day. dinner with esther: D

whoots, mini skirt. hahahah.

yeoch singing.
:D niceeeee.
i had a dream last night.
it doesnt make sense. in case you dont want to read, its coloured.
(lol. i'm not making sense.)
due to orientation being hours later, and due to the fact that i hadnt sent farmville gifts to my dad, i am going to talk about the most important part only.(which is not as short as you'd have liked)
i was having dinner with my family.extended, i think.
a fish dish was served.
the plate was made of glass. filled wtih water and little ornament fishes.
i dont know how, but a little blue fish jumped out and leaped all over the table.
i kept trying to catch it in my hand.
i wanted to throw it into the sea(we were eating at a place where i could just lean from my chair and look directly into the sea) but a waitress saw it too.
it jumped into an empty soup bowl, and the waitress poured boiling water(from a metal kettle) into the bowl as i screamed for her to stop.
nobody stopped her and i got really angry.
i could totally feel the fish being boiled alive. it was inhuman.
so i raged, and smashed a few tables here and there before stomping off.
the anger felt as though it was expanding in me, and my pores had clogged up or something. i thought i was going to explode.
it as if my blood had evaporated due to my heated temper, and was making me feel very dense.
i stormed up a concrete slope, and my brother and dad came to fetch me back.
then suddenly some metal wheel looking thing rolled off and grazed my dad's ankle.
we all ran.
i ran away from them cos i was bringing them bad luck.
if memory serves me right, i had some card that had a foreign word printed on it.
'acio' i think.
this cloaked figure told me it meant death.
in order to stop bad things from happening, i had to pass the card and the foul luck to someone else by touching them.
(i think some musical started playing. the dream became a series of montage and a song played.)
i went into a building, and it was really cold and empty.
then i saw a guy.
it was just the 3 of us. the cloaked figure, the guy, and i.
the cloaked figure urged me to pass the card to that guy but i couldnt.
i felt really alone, and appraoched that guy, hoping to make friends.
but he was wary of me.
i started sobbing really hard, and said that i just wanted a hug.
i really wonder how anyone can sob this hard.
i've forgotten the rest of the dream.
panic, when i hadnt woken up earlier to practice piano, sent my mind to a state of shock.
chunks of the dream fell off my memory patch.
in all, i mentioned these 2 scenes only because it felt very intense.
the way the little blue fish felt in my palm, struggling, squirming,and slipping out,
and the way a sob could leave you giddy, etc. to sleep.goodnight.
teoee, if youre reading this from the archives, i hope you remember how this dream really went.
i didnt do a good job of describing it properly.


get one from cbox!
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I am an Orchidite
Teo Ee
23rd Feb
6C45 and 4K
Girl Guides
P2 Orchid
P3 Sparrow
P4 Jasmine

Esther Hong
Emily Goh
Girl Guides
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