Thursday, January 8, 2009
orientation's over.

seen my teachers today.
not so bad.
only 2 scary ones.
(excluding ms fang because i've grown veryveryvery attracted to her.HA.)

the chinese teacher really scares me.
she mumbles softly---so soft that you have to strain to listen
(to her exciting stories.i'm not being sarcastic.they're really exciting)
and then she SUDDENLY ROARS some parts of the story out and


she also said that she wouldnt accept late submission of homework.
hanxi and i realised that we both assumed she wouldnt need us to do the homework anymore once its overdue.

my jap teacher is very scary too.
i was late to jap class today by 30min because i had no idea it starts at 3pm.
ANYWAY, 4k lessons end at 2++pm so i'm OBVIOUSLY LATE.
i took the bus+train with shiyi and her brother.
(shiyi is nice to her

ok, so i went to bishan, decided to grab some food since i'm already late, and brisk-walked to the moelc.

i went in, and realised that i dont know where my class is.
so i asked some guy and he told me its on the forth floor because i'm sec4(i didnt tell him i'm a sec4 but he means that I HAVE THE SEC4 LOOK!!!either that or he saw my sec4 jap books lol)
so yep, i climbed 4 flights of stairs and when i reached i had no idea which classroom i'm in and i was too paiseh to ask every single class.

then i saw a class empty of students except for a teacher, and i knocked at the door.
"tsu mi ma sen."i said.(it means "sorry" or "excuse me")

then i realised that she might not be a jap teacher and i felt rather stupid for saying that on instinct,

but she was lar cos she spoke to me in jap later(and i had no idea what she was talking about after that)

anyway, she found my class for me and directed me there.
"your class is in the library."


(thinks: she must have been misinformed.there's no classroom in the library.)

"yes, just go to the library."

so i did. i went in and the librarian was friendly(unlike the dunman high school one.)
and when i asked for my class, she gave me a wink and said"shh,go in quietly, youre late."
she's so cute!: D

ok, so yep, i went in and prepared my >_<'' eeks-i'm-so-so-so-so-sorry-i'm-late!!! face. it didnt work. i closed the door behind me(and yes, i knocked.i'm polite) and when i turned to face the class, i shot off immediate "osoku natte tsumimasen!!"(so sorry i'm late!) i thought she'll just let me go(since its the first lesson and anyway, my past 3 years of rare late cases have been treated with slight significance because THEY TRUST THAT I RESPECT THEM ENOUGH TO TURN UP ON TIME. which i mnust really STRESS THAT I DO.)

i thought wrongly.
i was waiting for the nodd that cues me to take a place in class,
but she asked "why are you late?" in japanese.

i was abit stunned but recovered(very quickly,hahahaa)
and LUCKY FOR ME i dont know what happened to me but today my jap wasnt as lousy as always.i managed to understand a little weeny teeny bit.
so i answered that i'd been lost and i couldnt find the class.
she accepted that and let me go.

i was rather shaken because she's fierce adn SHE SPEAK JAP FIERCLY like she's gonna eat me up if she could.

soon after, we were back into lesson. she speaks 99.99999999999999999999999999% jap and 99.99999999999999999999% of us cant understand whta she says
(even though i thought it was just me at first, so i just smiled and nodded, smiled and nodded)

30min later, another girl came into class.
she shall not be named.
i'm surprised i wasnt the latest.
ok, so she came in, and i think the teacher's rather irritated by now,so she asks her something in jap(cant rmr what) and she went "huh?"(just like the rest of us who did it silently)
then she was so shocked(i think) that she stoned while the teacher fumed.

and then she said osokunatte tsumimasen(sorry i'm late)
and(like me) thought she can go le,
BUT the rather irritated teacher made things difficult for her(just like we made things difficult for the teacher by turning up late) and asked her why she's late(like what she asked me).
then the girl said she came with her friend and the teacher asked where her friend is now.
she didnt really answer that, and then the teacher talked to the class and asked what she should say now.

most of us stoned.

i heard her say"manners" in her rant so i told the girl that i think the teacher wants her to say good afternoon in jap.

my guess was quite right. she nodded after that and let her go.
the others promted her sometimes too but i cant remember what.

i felt rather bad for her because it wouldnt have been so bad if she'd come in before me.

and anyway, i go it easier than she did even though her jap cooler than mine(i assume)

ok, so things went on.

at her knock, the class went silent and the teacher stared.
sally came in smiling and the teacher asked "do you know what time it is now?"
"4 o clock"sally demonstrated as she said that by putting up 4 fingers.
"what time was class supposed to start?!"
"3 o clock!" said a bubbly sally as she put up 3 fingers.
"and you are late by 1 hour!why are you late?"
"(i cant remember what reason she gave)"

and the teacher let her sit down.
the teacher was really pissed for the rest of the day.

if it wasnt for the air con(that keeps me from falling asleep) and her fiercness(that scares me awake),
i'd have changed classes already. i feel pressured in her class mien.she rants off and expects us to understand):

i miss my yr3 sensei):
at least she used more english to make it comprehensive.

(anyway, huangching said her french teacher spoke in 99.999999999999999% french too and she reckons all yr4 teachers are made to do that)

and i've got alot of jap homework):
if i dont do it, i think i'll get skinned by her.

i didnt dare go for break in case i returned late and get scolded by her again.
i'm such a small and timid girl(giggles)
: D

anyway, its over.
for now.

till next week.

now i gotta go do chinese and LA homework.
chinese because i'm scared of that teacher(but i really like her storytelling.) and LA because i really like mdm arfar and i dont want to hand up late work to her: D

both ways work.
fear and respect.

choose the one you'd prefer, teachers.

but respect isnt easy to earn.

mdm arfar has my respect because she trusts us and doesnt think that we're animals who'll work only if you beat them and whip them and shout at them.
i'm all praises when its her,hahaa.
and she seriously considers our suggestions when we make them,

instead of pretending to listen to us, then deciding upon her own decisions and protest that we're not listening to her when it might very well be the opposite.
oh, and she doesnt think that by emphasizing on every word that she says, she can get us to listen.
i like her: D


get one from cbox!
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