Saturday, January 3, 2009
Photos from history project--songwriting in 2007
i'm just bored and i cant do homework because as they say, follow your heart, and you will find love and i love life without homework.
so i decided to post photos.
AND THEN VERY SADLY I DO NOT HAVE RECENT PHOTOS TO POST BECAUSE I DO NOT TAKE PHOTOS MUCH. and anyway, lihui's posted any photos that we took when we were out on facebook.i see no reason to steal and post them here again.ha.
 here's Felise and Caleb. They are trading,hahaha,during war-time. Felise is duper pretty.
 Felise and ChingWoon are trying to beat the crap out of poor Caleb.i cant remember the significance of this photo anymore.all i know is that its got to do with war.
the two girls seem strangely happy to beat up people,lol. and to think i thought chingwoon was demure D:
please ignore the fact that i DID NOT say Felise is demure LOL =X
 Caleb and TeoEe trading rice, the staple food now. (i think the staple food in the past was tapioca if i'm not wrong.if i'm wrong, then soh-weee loh. there's a reason why i'm a geog student kaessss??)
it looks as if we're disposing of a corpse-.-

"DEAL!" we shook hands after the trade. i'm supposed to be a japanese,LOL.but i dont look like one. AND i'm supposed to be a guy. -.- i'm sure you could tell._. the background cool anot? got chingwoon's jade ship leh!!!cool right???? awmien, my moose-touch was dropping off liao.look!it's slanting):