Saturday, November 1, 2008 was a meet-the-funny-people day. ok, exam,yep. woke up on time(: reached mrt station and saw some juniors who either a)didnt see me b)didnt dare to see me i.e. purposely turned to face another direction-_- c)saw me and pretended not to notice d)saw me and stoned -_- oh, and i saw squareface too. i reached the examination place 8 minutes earlier but was one of the last few to enter the exam room(tsk,kiasu people) paper was fine. i finished in less than 20 minutes, but the time given was 1 hour and 30min. and i had to stay at least 40min before submitting the paper cos its the rule there. sigh.wasted my time. there were all aged people there. from 5 yrs old perhaps, till 60 years old at least. heh,cool. ok, after exam, came home and on the way home, ALMOST bumped into xiaowei's Lamppost!!! (imagine xw,lh,jenn and ly ewwwing now.LOL.) luckily, 我闪得快,LOL. ok, then reach home and the end. actually only saw 2 weird people larhs, but still, its a meet-the-funny-people day. funny as in 奇怪. as in, weirdddd. _____________________ i wanna buy pancake mix. _____________________ Tagged has this weird function that "matchmakes" people. you browse through people's photos/dp and click yes if youre interested in him/her. then you wait for his/her reply. if yes too, its a match. i think that function's stupid. ever since that, i've been having stupid emails sent to me, asking if i'm going to click yes. the age of those guys(although they may be female,you never know who's who in cyberspace) ranges from 14 to 17. but thats not the point. the point is, my dp's a photo of a toy cat. toy kitty cat. the ones that dont mew or miao or pffffff. and they based their "yes" on that dp. -_______________- perverts. (sorry to those who clicked yes on me and sees this post.) actually there's nothing much about this lar. im just irritated cos my inbox's spammed with 24 of those stupid emails. sigh. -------------------------------------------------- i cant believe i subscribed to monthly fools emails. its something about managing your finance and it talks about investments...etc, all for business people. not students like me. it spams me with emails too and although that's like, on a 3 day per email basis, i still think i dont need the email cos i just send it to the recycle bin. but then, i'm too lazy to do anything about it. and i'll just keep subscribing in case i need the emails in the farrrr future. -_- ok,sorry.i guess my conclusion made this a pointless post-_- ________________________________________ qianting and i. we're food lovers.LOL. and i never knew, but shien doesnt like this particular drink that shall not be named. (i dont have a reason for not naming it.i just dont feel like it.yeah?) __________________________________________ its been long since ive played with sharon. jasmine too. _____________________________________ im bored.bye. dont know why, but i was thinking of WanYing this morning. hmmm. |
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