Wednesday, October 29, 2008
sometimes you look back and realise, all those judging, all those stereotyping,
it all seems pointless.
living in the present is scary. its like walking in a thick mass of fog. you dont know if your next step will lead to a deep plunge for the underworlds below.
so some people choose to stay where they are. some go back the the path they had just taken, down memory lane. those are people who want to take the sure and safe way.
but those, are the people who never get out of the fog to see a clear, blue sky and rays of sunlight illuminating the world.
those who succeed in making their way out of the fog will feel the moist, sticky feeling on their skins evaporate. it'll be replaced with a warm, safe feeling: D
and oh poor souls left in the fog, you'll be all alone even if there's a friend just beside you, you wouldnt be able to see him/her because of the thick fog. you'll be cold, miserable,
and hungry
for the comfort of having friends who'll walk the fog with you.
walk the fog with me.
: D thanks to guides.