Tuesday, October 14, 2008
date with mathew.after that, was walking out of school with jenn,hanxi,fiona,usan,lihui,xiaowei, when usan asked: eh?i thought chairpersons were supposed to meet or something? O.O and yea, i rushed back. halfway, saw huimin and jesslyn! huimin(hweemean) invited me to the 2A gathering at Ben&Jerry's, as did Karen some days ago(: i was beaming from ear to ear cos of that, hahaha. the offer's really sweet.im so touched.' then i was feeling really : D and i told hweemean i'd try to make it, cos something waws bugging me.its important, but i couldnt remember what. and then, i went for chairperson's meeting in the hall at 11am. contents shant be disclosed here.refer to 3k blog later after i post. announcement will be made during chalet, tmr: D talked with tongtong(chairperson of 3M) and she's really sweet! she's really funny too.i just felt bad for being such a boring person to talk to. after that, went for 3rd lang. reached a little too early at 12:30NN+ so i walked from the moelc to bishan's junction 8 again. decided to scout for lunch, but only mananged to find a drink. walked around in fairprice, looking at japanese snacks, milk flavours, rice brands,...etc. and while i was looking at some japanese bottled food, somebody cried: "i'm going to skewer you!" AND I GOT A SHOCK BECAUSE THAT SOUNDED LIKE AU SHIYI. AND INDEED,i was correct. shiyi was there too with shujun and their other friend whom i cannot name. i was a little stunned at first.i thought i was hallucinating, so i glanced at shiyi and went back to reading the ingredient labels of the bottled stuff. then later, when it dawned on me that it's AU SHIYI MY TREASURER who called, i swished around and scanned for her presence again, but she was GONE. gone with the wind. i have no idea how. 3 of them. just like that. then i left that place and on the way up the escalator, somebody cried: "teoee." and i thought,"AH.shiyi!!!> : ) " and turned, and saw MICHELLE TEO! again, i was stunned. and i was holding the banana they gave me. so, feeling abit shy, i waved a little, smiled a little, and thought, hey, today's not a bad day. i keep seeing people : D then i walked to the bishan library, hoping to enlighten myself with knowledge. : D i went to grab a book, which said:"a list of dates". it was in the "popular fiction, dont miss out!" section. but i was really -_- with the book cos it was about a list of "bgr-dates" instead of "historical dates" or "bad-day dates". i was expecting a story about how this teenage think his/her life is horrid, and how he/she has a mum that nags, a dad that goes on a vegetable-abuse protest...etc. but instead, i got 16 chapters, each chapter a vivid description of the "dated", "wanted-to-date","almost-dated"...etc experiences of a 15 year old who thinks of nothing besides dating. so, being grossed out, i went to the 3rd level. i was freezing cold by then. and anyway, i got chased up a seat by the librarian because i was sitting on the floor. somehow i cant concentrate when i read while sitting properly. anyway, i kept checking for the time every few minutes,eager for time to pass. ok, back to the thing about going to the 3rd level. i was climbing the stairs, and then on the 2nd level, i stopped. i wondered if i could go up another level. and when i started walking up, 2 guys stared at me and nudged each other. i thought they were probably thinking:HAHAHAA,what a noob.doesnt she know there isnt a 3rd floor? but later, i was a lady coming down, so reassured, i continued my way up. when i reached the 3rd level, i went browsing through the shelves. a large gang laughed at me because i was just wandering around, feeling lost. how do i know they were laughing at me? as in, ME? hahaha, thats obvious. they were doing that "eye-wiggle-brow"thing in my direction. anyway, i ignored that and chose a book about elegance. i stood outside this "silent reading room" for 32 minutes before i entered, because the word"silent" scared me. i thought it'd be like living in a vacuum liddat and was afraid that when i opened the door or stepped in, ALL eyes would be on me. i didnt want that attention, yea,no thankyou. but i didnt want to risk that person coming up and chasing me to a seat again if i sit on the floor. his voice kept coming back. i heard him say:"come, sit on a chair like a princess!dont sit on the floor!dont you feel much more comfortable this way?" ._. and i was smiled and said "thankyou"over and over again, and nodded my head like as if i understood the rest of the things he said. i couldnt hear the rest because he was trying to lower his volume so much that i just couldnt catch the sound wave frequency anymore. anyway, sorry i drifted away from my 14th Oct journey. ok, after i went in, i started reading, but i havent gotten 1 chapter when i felt sleepy already.i was aching from the stiff chair. so i went to the toilet to wash my hands before i left for moelc.i went to check if there was hamlet in the library too,for fun. after washing hands, i rushed out, and by the time i reached the first floor, my hands were shaking, i was shivering, and my teeth were chattering so much i thought the librarian would notice me again. the temperature was giving my human molecules too much kinetic energy that they started vibrating(making me shiver). either that or they inactivated my brain cells cos i couldnt think of anythng besides:must get out to warmth.must get out to warmth.must get out to warmth. ok, so i went out, and walked to moelc. and i saw esther and hillary sitting at the busstop. they saw me too. we waved. i was thinking,its a great day yay, cos i keep meeting people. so yea, i went inside, and saw kimberley, and we sat for awhile. talked abit, and she said she saw nicole leaving after checking her papers. and i thought checking papers started at 4:30pm, but... anyway, kimberley accompanied me to my class and i checked my papers. overall failed. yeah. then kim's teacher wasnt there yet and she had to wait till 4:30pm. i smsed hanxi to ask if they were still going out, and she said no. so i wanted to wait for kim, and perhaps see if 2A's still at Ben&jerry's. but then home called, and i told my mum i'd go home and eat. so yea, i left. i was feeling sick on the way back. not sick physically, but i just felt...unwell. like, psycologically. emotionally unwell. i dont know how to describe la, but its like you feel as though nothing you do will cure you of that feeling.that sense of URGH and submission to fate. so yea, walked back home,bathed, had dinner, and blogging now. and oh, at the moelc, i suddenly remembered that i havent gotten the styrofoam box from ghim moh for the chalet. its either we do without it, or i go back to ghim moh tmr. shall post on 3k blog later tonight. i'm tired. nights. p.s. oh by the way, i forgot to mention that on the way to moelc,i remembered that i cant go for 2A outing because of 3rd lang, so i smsed huimin about it and apparently, she already knew about the getting results back thing,hahahahaa. |
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