Friday, August 22, 2008
Today it started out with waking up at 5am.Then i thought i could sleep for 30minutes more, then i ended up sleeping till 6:08am. still quite early, but well, i was actually planning to cram a little more physics stuff this morning. oh wells. then reached school, went directly to the grandstand(as i always do in the mornings-.-), and took my physics file out. Then i pinned my hair up, and was going to continue studying, but it was 7:30am already, so i kept my stuff and went with lihui, hanxi to see ms ngau. ms ngau made some final adjustments to the proposal, and after she had explained the reasons for those changes, we went for flag raising. 'we' refers to sarah,hanxi,lihui and i. flag raising was ok, nothing much, i think. i cant really remember if it's today that Mr Sng spoke to the school, or yesterday because i lose track of time easily, but i like it when Mr Sng talks. I like listening to those whom i respect. oh wait.i've just recalled that the talk was yesterday. oh so sorry. today, after talking to ms ngau, we went back to class because it was raining. we barely made it into class before the anthem started playing. After that, we proceeded to the lecture theater for a lecture(duh) and guess what? 3K reached before any other class! i mean, thats quite a cool thing cos i think it only happens once in a blue moon. (: i sat with fiona,hanxi, and weiwei at the back today. : D after LA was physics. physics test(: the test, as always, wasnt properly done. there wasnt enough time cos im slow, so i took the easy way out and skipped the calculation question totally. O.O then the last question, almost everyone's told me that they just dumped whatever notes they had learnt into the answer because that question is really weird, and few people know how to answer it. ruonan wrote 3 words in total for that question. not bad. but i think she'll still score marks o.o smartye(: after that was math. math was exciting, as usual. i think i MAY not dislike trigo(: lol. after math was biology. we went through the circulatory and respiratory worksheet, then started on plants stuff. we revised blood types too. and there's this funny lil game that aids the lesson(: chinese came after bio, and we listened to fa ru xue by jaychou after revising shui diao ge tou by something. also known as su dong buo: D then hong lao shi made us "memorise" this poem thing.sort of fun,hahaa. i havent lang du-ed since primary school(: after chinese was lunch,then the moe survey test. it was like doing PSLE papers. between math and english, i got...(______) i did the english one. we had to write a composition of 300-400 wordsO_O and i realised, that ive forgotten how to write compositions. essays essays and more essays, no more creativity left for compos. yingying felt that way too. D: i think the extrenal person was a little angry with us. we werent very respectful actually. i think for their self-evaluation regarding this survey, they'd have to reflect that students do not treat the test seriously. i mean,come on, even i wasnt exactly doing my best. nobody even bothered to double check. why? because the setting was just wrong. setting as in the situation we were placed in. everybody was just urging to go for their cca(you know how we love our own ccas) and just shaded the answers on OTAS sheets for the sake of shading. by the way, the english paper consists of a compo and the normal paper 2 you'd expect. all the grammar,vocab,closed passage, compre....etc. quite easy(: so glad i didnt do math.LOL. after the test, a few of us guides hung around outside. i helped lihui pack her bag o.o esther was laughing quite funnily when i did so.heehee. i was really tempted to look at her, but was afraid i'd blow my cover, so i just packed. lihui and hanxi was laughing crazily outside too, and.... you wouldnt understand what i'm talking about unless you had been part of the "operation-pack-lihuis'-bag". after that, decided to stay back. hung around with a few guides in 3I, and shien is really a chinese smartye.tsktsk. then i went to look for ms fang(: ok, here's the important part. the most intense emotion i felt today.LOL. i realised that i didnt know how to do the trigo assignment 1, and no matter how others tried to explain it,(ruonan's a wonderful teacher.thanks: D ), i just couldnt understand. so i decided to seek for professional help O.O i went to look for ms fang at the staff room, and after struggling with that phone looking thing on the wall, i finally realised it'd be more efficient to wait at the door for a teacher and ask him or her if ms fang's in. apparently,she wasnt in. so i went to the library to look for lihui and jennifer. we browsed through books like "chicken soup for mothers", LOL, Horrible Geog,...etc. didnt actually read, but it was just nice being around books that could even be dated back to 1993(: the year we were born,sec308s(: then after that, i decided to try out the staff room again for ms fang(: but she wasnt there. ): and we,meaning hanxi,lihui,jennifer,xiaowei, were about to go home when we realised that it was raining O.O so we stayed at the canteen. and again, i tried to do that math paper,but of course, i didnt do much. hanxi tried explaining, but i didnt get then i stoned for quite awhile,wasted my time, and decided to try one last time for Ms Fang. (i know,i know.this is getting boring...cos all i do is waste time,then look for ms fang,but i'm writing this for the future teoee in perhaps 10 years down the road, to read!-.-) ok, back to the topic. my third try was no better than the previous two. so i thought, aiya, nevermind.i'll just find her another day. so yea, we decided to pack up and leave. hanxi went to the foyer toilet so i wetn with her and waited outside. and THEN i saw. i saw! Ms Fang, rushing around the general office, with her usual stack of worksheets. O.O and i was really tempted to go find her. but then, i started considering alot of things such as... if i go, then hanxi may not be able to find me later. and anyway, it was quite late already, i didnt want to stall ms fang. plus, she seemed to be rushing. and so, i just stood staring at her from the foyer steps, and as her image faded into the background gradually, i felt my whole heart turn into a dull, greyish blue, dragging down in my body all the way until it reached the floor, the veins and arteries connecting to the heart, stretched to its extreme): such, is the feeling of one denying oneself of knowlegdge and desire.LOL. it was quite weird, i mean, im not exactly what most people'd call a "faithful" learner, and really,i admit, i do procrastinate alottttttt, but i just had this sudden motivation to improve: D most would call that the just-before-the-end-syndrome. you ever seen those oldies shows? the ones where chinese people still wore floaty clothes and speak in poems..etc? yep.thats where i first saw the just-before-the-end-syndrome. its like, for example, there's this old guy about to die, then one fine day, he suddenly grew healthier, and could sing and dance...etc, but the next day, who knew? he died. my mum told me these things happen. my grandpa behaved that way just before he died too, (i wasnt old enough to remember.) and yep, this sudden spurge of motivation to study, could actually imply impending doom. OHNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. ): but oh wells, by the time i finished that daily life story above, my motivation's gone. so sorry, i guess the doom's here O.O yikes. (this post was continued on saturday because i fell asleep halfway while blogging yesterday.very sorry to those whomi daoed online.i didnt fall asleep on purpose): lol.) |
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