Wednesday, August 8, 2012
There was an architecture workshop today to introduce the various machines that we might deploy in the future for our model-making purposes. You will not believe the number of saws they have. I can't wait to cut things up. The drilling sounds are extremely loud, but they have a lullaby quality - monotony- that is much too sleep-inducing for my safe handling of the machines. I really hope that I can survive on minimal sleep for at least the next few years of my life in the archi line. I mean, until I'm 70.
Flag Day at NUS was fun. Thanks to my cute OG mates, of course. If only Beatrice had been around! Miss that girl.
I went home with Jenn and her...our friend after all the aki stuff had ended today. I kind of felt that I was portraying an impression that was unlike my usual self, like a deja vu of the previous night when I was with her OG, but oh well. Think what they may:)
I took a shirt of size xs for the first time in my life today. It's either that I'm shrinking, or that the shirt size for nus is just different. I'd rather the latter.
I have to evaluate myself soon. I used to do it on this bloggie all the time, but nowadays I'm all activity-driven and less intuitive, so I don't reflect upon my actions as deeply. It makes me feel like a lesser person, really.
I'm tired now though. Am going to rest. I have fallen victim to the flu.
This sucks ):