Friday, November 26, 2010
today was alright. i wasnt late.
set a total of 25 alarms, each 3 min apart. set an online one too, but that failed, cos it hanged. the 25 alarms thing, only about 6 rang/was heard by me.
the best alarm was my Dad. "Ee, ni bu shi yao qu xue xiao ah?"
i was in a ----- mood today. no no, i'm not censoring anything, what i meant was, i felt like the dashes. straight, kind of lifeless, very ----. yknow?
hadnt taken dinner the night before, so was very hungry by 2pm. went to get some quick lunch, but it was lunch hour, so quick wasnt very quick. i stood at the shortest line, then when it reached my turn, they placed this "counter/register closed" sign so i had to switch to another line. then i waited, and reached the counter once again, but idk why, i had a small order and yet they took so long to get back to me. its not that it felt long. sure it did. but it was long too. i fell asleep while waiting. the counter lady shot me a look when i woke (and, my order wasnt ready yet, FYI)
cant blame me for maximising my time even if you wouldnt maximise yours right?
registering for piano exam. bye.