Sunday, August 29, 2010
 Happy birthday Pearlyn
sorry that this (like your present) came (is going to come) late. You like YELLOW so this post is in yellow even though it strains my eyes typing at nothing.
Darling ahh, i've said all the tian mi mi stuff via sms (on time) already (speaking of which, i realised i havent sent jas a birthday sms. ohno.) hahaa so this post shall be less intimate. Let me do a personality quiz results thing for you even though you havent done any quizes. Pearlyn, you are an intuitive person. You make awkward comments which are really funny and witty, and you often engage in smarttalks with your brother, which signifies an intellectual relationship between you and your family/peers. You are able to restrain yourself from saying unpleasant things in order not to hurt someone's feelings, and are highly sensitive to emotions. You're very hard on yourself, and is a very logical person. You struggle with complexities, and prefer to keep things simple, because life's good. While you often say pessimistic things when stress approaches, you secretly believe that you'll tide over difficulties and emerge even stronger. You want to comfort others when they are down, but you are often at a loss of what to say. Yet, your silence radiates warmth and care, and your sincerity is often felt by those around you. You are childlike and naive, and you are very sure of who you like or dislike. happy birthday, you have a cute smile, :D