Wednesday, May 19, 2010
To this pretty, caring, and mature girl,
HAPPY JENNIFER'S DAY!!!<3 Remember 2 years back, when we landed as CUG songleaders together? That was our first, and only official guides activity together. we've never been in the same ad-hoc patrol before... but 1 activity was enough for a great friendship to blossom(: this was my favourite photo for a long long time.
until this replaced it about 2 years later, haha!
Despite coming from 2 different classes, we've always found time together. For example during level camp... mu ma huang picking...
dinnering for no apparent reason...(and i remember you and hans laughing at my dou dou shorts)
studying at macs...or at least, intending to study..
going to the beach...(you, always ready for the camera. i dont know how you do it, picture-perfect girl)
going for mass hair-cut session (though actually its just the 3 of us, the usual gang)..
...and even soccering together! : O (i dont remember our coach's name. kelvin or smthng?)
even after passing down from guides, we were not stripped of our roles as friends.
so i just wanna say, i'm really glad to have you (:(and not just because i like pretty girls) You're an integral part of my life, and my elasticity for you is zero because you take up a large proportion of my affection (pardon my nerd self). i remember all the pacts we've made, and even though some of them are just fantasies, its fun to have some 'goal' to work towards to. remember ok, high tea together as taitais: ) hahahaa. love ya. P.S. i think youre cuter thatn guigui hahahaha.