Friday, December 4, 2009
the most amazing thing has just happened.

i was(still am) sitting in the living room, youtubing something, when i heard a miao, so i opened the door to take a look.
then this little cute thing strode into the house as if it belonged, and headed to the kitchen.
the friendly maid led her out of the house and closed the door but a second later, she had come in through a tiny hole at the other side of the living room again.

she did some kind of pole dance around the chair i'm sitting on, and jumped into my lap.
i was kind of worried that she was hungry.
i dont taste very nice, but i dont think she knew that.

she bent her head down
(sidenote: i'm inclined to believe she is female. i wouldnt let a male kitty sit in my lap eeks)
and opened her mouth!
i didnt dare to move. i just hoped i knew enough malay to ask the friendly maid for some medication if she bit me.
but she licked me.

she licked me!
then she started licking herself.
probably because i rubbed her tummy and she thinks i'm dirty-.-

i heard another miao outside.

i think kitty has found her friend.
i led her to the door, opened it about 2 inches only, and she squeezed through.
then out of curiosity, i peeked and saw a copper looking cat.
i believe that's male because it looks male.

(i know this doesnt apply to human beings.
after all, male and female human beings are no longer easily distinguishable.
but i hope it works for kitties.)

ok i know i'm making a short story very very long.
i could have just said, "a cat licked"

BUT wait, i havent finish my recount yet.
(i can hear you sighing)
the copper cat and the white female kitty both saw me and tried to come in through the door.
i didnt let them in.
2 cats= too many.

now i hear about 5 different miaos and i dont dare to open the door.
i've stuffed that living room hole with my grandpa's caps already.
so hopefully they cant come disturb me from blogging.

ok so remember that i said this is amazing?
i know so far it just sounds like a load of rubbish, but its amazing cos, felt amazing-_______-

okok time to talk about what i wanted to blog initially.
(yesyes i sidetracked with the kitty story)

i havent come online or checked my email for 2 days cos i've been out till 1.30am+.
been rotating between different aunt's houses (uncles too) for a different party every night.
yeahhhh night life.

watched transformers again.
it doesnt get old.
just because i'm a girl doesnt mean i cant appreciate megan fox okay.

i flipped through my cousin's yearbook yesterday and picked out a few of whom i thought were pretty.
i know, bimbotic thing to do eh?
luckily bimbos dont mind doing bimbotic things.

ok so i know girls dont usually compliment other girls (i read that somewhere), but oh you should have seen the yearbook photos!
so many pretties: D
of course, for the benefit of equality, i looked at the guys too but i only found 1 remotely magazine-cover quality guy.
so i pointed that guy out to my cous---

wah a lizard just flew past me (between this lappie screen and my face) with amazing speed.

oh yeah, pointed this guy out to my cousin, and he said that this guy worked as a temporary model at Spring.
fyi, Spring is the name of the most well known mall in little Kuching.
coool eh?

tsk, i just knew i had great taste HAHA.

oh i went to my other cousin's house yesterday.
the richest cousin i have, i think.
his/her (depending on which cousin i want to focus on. 3 of them are guys, 1's a girl) backyard's the size of the basketball court+volleyball court in our school.
their house is...obviously bigger-.-

i went to my other aunt/uncle's house.
its smaller, but its the prettiest
its like living in a showflat.
no dust at all.
even the grass is clean.
my brother walked on the grass barefooted and came back looking unreasonably clean.
i reckon my aunt polishes every blade of grass over the weekends.

BAH the white kitty came in again.
it pushed through the caps.

i keep watching xi yang yang and hui tai lang cartoon here.
the china cartoon about sheeps and wolves.

i'm down with mild cough.
i just took my grandma's pill.
its apple green coloured x)
i like taking pills.
dont like syrup.
syrup taste invades the whole mouth, while pills are generally tasteless unless you chew 'em.

i wanna relearn jap):

my older guy cousin(by 1 year) turned up at the night party last night, and yknow how parties are right?
after the food, the female adults sit around the table and chit chat, the males sit in the living room and talk about sports or the new gadgets they've just acquired, and the children run off to play upstairs.
so i've been promoted from the children group to the female chitchat group even though i'm not experienced enough to join in the conversation.
i just sit and listen, and hey, its interesting.
some guy cousins of mine even tried to enrol themselves haha.

so that older cousin of mine walks into female territory and says to his mum 'ma, can i go catch a movie?"
"movie again? you're very rich is it?"
(or something along that line)
"RM9.00 only mah."
"only??? you watch twice per week. that's $18.00 already!how many people are going?"

(all the other aunts cry in unison" only 1 other person!!!" and burst into giggles)

"about 8 or 9..."
"ok good. each person can sponsor a dollar for you."

in the end he did leave for a movie.
and my aunt (the host) said to his mum
"you should be glad its only $9 now. wait till it becomes $18!"


this is a long post.


get one from cbox!
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23rd Feb
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