Wednesday, November 18, 2009
i'm in the midst of planning a treasure hunt for tomorrow.
i sincerely hope nothing goes wrong.

all i wanna do is to curl up on my bed and read a good book.

this holiday feels as though it'll end soon.
i dont want it to end even though i'm a little weeny bit excited about senior high.

i shouldnt have signed the contract.
boohoo. i'll be wasting time, money, and effort.
plus, i'll be by myself.
double stupid.
ok actually i should be thankful for a job. shouldnt grumble so much.
stupid stupid stupid grumbling.

should the treasure hunt be held at the beach?
what if it rains?):

hans suggested that we have it in my room since finding stuff in it is kind of impossible.

i'm trying to make my hair grow faster.
then perhaps it wouldnt look so horrid.
i did abit of research online, and found that an increase in protein consumption helps.
i also discovered that gene determines the rate of growth of hair.
on average, each strand grows 6 inches per year.
thats about 12cm?
so 1cm per month.
i've only got, say 1 week before i go back to malaysia.
no chance of growing out of the current fringe crisis then.

great way to make an impression after months and months apart.

yep's in december.late december.
so lets say i have about 2 months till then.
2 cm.
oh, and that makes so much difference-__-

on a brighter note,
i'm not as fussed as i make myself sound.
if i were twelve, i'd be in sulk-mode now.
but at sixteen, i guess it hardly matters.(even though to a certain extent, it still does)

people who believe that looks arent important are so wrong.
at least, if you're talking about the 21st century.
first impressions matter.
and first impressions are ultimately, yes youve guessed it, looks.
before you're ready to talk to a stranger, you analyse that person's appearence.
it is only after they've passed the first superficial test that you move on to find out about their personality.
and then go deeper to unravel his or her character.

oh by the way, i had a horrible haircut back in p5 or p6 i think.
when i went to class, nobody mentioned the word 'hair'.
even getting teased would have been better.
when it becomes a taboo topic, its a sure sign that it has reached its maximum disgust level.
hahaaa, learn from aunty teo, do not take photos at any cost.
it was just too bad that i went to china in the same year, and as you all know, a travel's not a travel without photos to document it right?
so yes, i have cold hard proof that scissors shouldnt be let near me.
oh joy.

hmm should the treasure hunt be held in a mall?
then i could make liwen han jenn run through different storeys.

oh paiseh, my thoughts are all over the place.

i cant remember if it was in 4/9, 5/9 or 6/10 that i did this.
because of the young enterprise project thing, a few of us started hanging out together.
it was purely hanging out. we each had our own domestic group of friends who were not part of this gang.
this enterprise group included people like jinni, sometimes amanda, saufi who shares the same birthday as me, sean, gabriel, eccles?, zhouyang? and blah.
i think there were about 9 of us.
we'd just meet at the mall, then someone'd go missing, and we'd go search,
and the whole outing'd have become a sort of massive hide and seek + chase game.
i think ginger was involved too. she has probably gone back to china already.

we used to get scolded for running on the escalators too.

i imagine if the treasure hunt's in the mall, the whole experience'd be similar.


In primary school, p5 i think, i had a PE teacher called Mr Chan.
he often made us play the captain's ball while guys hit it out at the bball court, or just let us run around the fields.
there was once when uen fang pushed herself so hard that she sort of collasped.
we hurried her to the sick bay,
we as in her closer friends,
and tended to her.
then Mr Chan came and made a snide remark, "wow i didnt know you guys were capable of caring for each other."

i thought it came as a very horrid insult.
i'm probably very good at bearing grudges,
especially since i still remember this sorry little remark years after it emerged from his mouth.

not that i bear the grudge against him.
not him. just the remark.

his wife let me join the track team hahaha.
i didnt like it. went to quit after they started having saturday trainings in an effort to not-miss the saturday cartoons.
pokemon at 1030am.


derrick used to go home with xitheng.
he'd ride his bike, and xitheng'd place her school bag in the basket.
i'd tag along sometimes since i live in the block opposite them.
the sadistic tree is sandwiched between our two blocks.

i recall derrick getting teased by gabriel and gang when he brought/bought a powerpuff girl book to school.

i never knew esther tan was from junyuan too until,..uh.i dont know how i got to know about it either haha.
and i never knew tan jia qi is in fact emily from 4I09.
all i've ever heard about her was from zhouyang.


i hated sitting between zhouyang and abel in p5 and i made that very clear to them.
now that i think about it,
hey i was a really really rude girl then.
maybe still am(;

ok fine.
still am > : (

ok, enough flashbacking.
i shall continue my wonderful treasure hunt planning: )

大风吹 把头摇一摇
风停了 就挺直腰
大雨来 弯着背让雨浇
雨停了 抬起头 ***

(forgot last 3 words)

小草 实在是 并不小
: )


get one from cbox!
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