Saturday, January 17, 2009 its 9.15pm. i am not asleep yet because i've just bloghopped.
you will not understand what i am saying from now onwards. because i am in a semi-conscious state right now. "why blog nonsense then?"you ask. "there is a reason for everything, but some things dont need reasons." i answer. its like, we all have hair, but some people dont need hair. although some people need hair but dont have hair.
there are so many whys i ask myself. i ask myself the questions, but i think you have the answers. "then why do you ask yourself and not me?"you ask. "there is a reason for everything, but some things dont need reasons." i answer.
i feel like this is the kind of feeling i like. this sort of life. out of the web of emotions flug about carelessly on the sidewalk of life. i like myself unsmiling. i like myself out of the storyline. not part of the story. nobody waiting for you to eat the poisoned apple, nobody waiting for the prince, nobody blaming you for eating bear's porridge, nobody caught by the witch who is probably a kind old lady whom you failed to understand. "then why didnt you start out on this kind of life long ago?"you ask. "there is a reason for everything, but some things dont need reasons." i answer.
i dont know why you want to live this way.why you wont just let go of insecurity and live a life that is primarily steered by principles to being a good human. you know, that sort of zen me hao hao zuo ren stuff. ren sheng da dao li. "why do you not trust yourself to trust us?"i ask. "there is a reason for everything, but some things dont need reasons." i suppose you'd answer.
bloghopping is bad for my health. smiles leak out through my pores like vapour whenever i bloghop. ):