Friday, December 19, 2008
1)Pick a word that begins with the first letter of your name?T. erm,teapot? 2)Your ex shows up randomly at your house, what do you say? AHHH STALKER!(i dont have an ex.i'm clean.) 3)How many bedrooms are there in your house? 3. 4)Is there a reason for your profile song? whats a profile song? 5)Do you hate the last guy you were talking to? that happens to be my dad.who very kindly gave me some pills and cleaned the toilet up after i barfed in it. 6)Who was your last text message from? MY VERYVERY ATTRACTIVE P2 ORCHID DARLINGS : D they hoped for me to get well soon and updated me on...p2 stuff(: 7)What's the best wedding you've been to? i like all the weddings i've been to.(and i'm looking forward to jenn's.) 8)What time did you wake up this morning? i dont was in the middle of the night when i decided i was well enough to implant myself on my bed instead of sleeping right outside the toilet for fear of barfing. 9)If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? hmm.well,this seems better than if he told everybody else except me-.- 10)Did you mean it when you said "i love you" last? yes of course.i'm sure jennifer knew i'd meant it(: (although it seems to have been awhile since ive said such things) 11)Is it okay if you kiss people when you're single? sorry, but i'm at this growth stage where kissing is really disgusting and it only looks like a transaction of gergms from one mouth to the other so i'd rather you not ak me this question. 12)Do you think you'll be married in 10 years? at 25?._. i was sort of planning to be a nun. 13)Would you kiss someone to make your ex mad? i dont have an ex.i'm telling you, I AM A FUTURE-TO-BE-NUN. 14)Do you tell your mom everything? of course not.its not as if i know everything. 15)Who was the last person you cried in front of? i cant remember at all.crying in front of others would have made me feel embarassed so ive probably severed all ties with that person. 16)Have you told anybody you loved them today? no.i dont want to use the word too much lest it loses its meaning. 17)Could you cry right now? no.i dislike it. 18)What were you doing at 1 AM this morning? swallowing pills,i suppose. 19)Who can you trust? those around me(: 20)Who was the last person you kissed? -.- no idea.i cant really remember much about my infant days. 21)What are your plans for the next weekend? i dont know.(i'm desperately trying to avoid saying the h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ word.) 22)What's your hair look like today? a mess.(the chlorine in the swimming pool probably changed its protein structure and thus, explains why my hair is so @!#$@%^ today.) 23)Do you love the person who you last thought of? and who might that have been? 24)Last night, did u go to sleep happy? no): i dont believe anyone'd feel happy after they vomit bile.(except for buli-something.ya know, those people who make themselves puke to stay thin?) 25)When was the last time you changed clothes in front of someone? a long long time ago,...when we still mass-changed in guides. 26)Anyone told you a secret this week? dont think so. 27)Did you have a good day yesterday? no): 28)What was the highlight of today? when p2 called at lunchtime to ask for my well-being(: 29)Do you ever turn your cell phone off? yep.exam time/overseas time. 30)When was the last time you took a picture with your number 1 friend? i dont number my friends.its discriminating. 31)Do you hate anyone? no.hate is such a strong word.people who use it loosely are probaly idiots. 32)What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? biscuits?peanut butter's bad for health.i heard it causes cancer. 33)Have you ever collapsed on the bathroom floor? collapse as in faint?eh,no.but i fell asleep on the bathroom floor yesterday-.- 34)Do you have a good relationship with your mother? yes.but i think she prefers having a relationship with my brother.not that i mind. 35)Are you slowly distancing from someone you love? not really.the last time it happened was quite awhile ago already.i'm more secure with the people around me now(: 36)When was the last time you bought something? i cant remember.lunch on tuesday, i suppose. 37)Have you ever told someone you love them? haha,yep(: but not to my parents.i'll probably make them wonder if i'm suicidal if i suddenly told them that i love them. 38)Do you continue fighting in an argument even though you know you're wrong? i cant remember argueing with anyone. 39)What do you want in your life right now? the things i pray for every night. 40)Is there anyone that calls you baby? no.i'd smack them. 41)In the next 4 months what are you looking forward to the most? april.april babies' birthdays: D(plus my dad.although he's not a baby.) 42)What are you thinking of right now? nothing much.i wanna go watch tv soon.7 more minutes. 43)Have you ever been tanning? yes.i got sun-kissed.HAHA. 44)Have you ever sat and waited for someone to come online? yup(: they're usually worth the wait. 45)When was the last time you laughed so hard you thought you were going to cry? i cant remember.but i'm sure i was around friends: D probably guides. 46)Do you like dressing up? only reminds me of how bad i look in everything-.- 47)Have you ever considered a sex change? NO.i like being a girl: D or at least, something like a girl-.- 48)What will you buy next? food,i guess. 49)Have any crazy family members? not unless hanxi decides to be part of my teo family. 50)Are you bored? i was.i'm not anymore.2 more minutes to my show. 51)What's the connection between you and the last person that called you? michelle?she was representing p2.i could hear yiting's voice in the background. connection?um,we're patrol mates?hahahaha.guides connects people. 52)What's beside you right now? nothing much. 53)Where do you want to be right now? in malaysia. 54)What are you wearing? my pajamas: D 55)Any plans for tmr? piano.i forgot to go last sunday in my excitement to go sit in the Singapore Flyer-.- 56)Last question,What do you think about Love? its there in health and in sickness.HAHAH. actually, i dont think much about it. YAY.finished it(: i cant believe i forgot to go for piano): kays,show's started 4 minutes ago. tata` Labels: `` |
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