Thursday, September 18, 2008
Mr Yeo takes generousity to a whole new level.

collecting guide cookies--

mr yeo: i want to collect my cookies, design again?(refering to tin)aiya,im so disappointed. i only buy guide cookies for the tins...

me:huh really?haha,then if you dont want the cookies,i want!(jokingly,i didnt expect him to say...*refer to next dialogue*)

mr yeo:oh sure, ok.then if you can finish the cookies, just leave the tin in my locker.

me: o.o(gave the are-you-serious? look)
really?huh?youre serious?

mr yeo: ya, last time i bought a tin and left it ____(i cant rmr where he mentioned) for 3 months. after i opened it again, the cookies had lou4 feng1 le.
*then he asks peishan to pass me his tin of cookies*

(i omitted some details regarding the cookies' taste.LOL.)

so yea, i took the tin,
and on the way back, fiona asked,

fiona: youre really going to return him an empty box?
me: no lar, so bad,hahaa.
fiona: ya lor.

of course not an empty not that hou4 lian3 pi2.
but it doesnt mean im returning the tin of cookies in its original state either.
cos that'd be retarded.
i bring back a tin of cookies, then bring it back to school again,
while mr yeo thought he'd gotten rid of the cookies, but he gets it back again.
nvm, i know what to do(for once)
end of story.

SO MANY CARELESS MISTAKES(erm, disregarding the really-dont-know-how-to-do questions)
they ask for empirical formula of hydrogencarbon but i went to find for hydrogen and OXYGEN.
i cant imagine why i wrote oxygen, but my gosh....

and instead of limiting reactant, i wrote limiting factor instead.
total bio-ness.
and to think mrstoh had encouraged me and given me chocolate for motivation):
but luckily, i can still answer some questions after attempting those from the previous assignments.yippie!
moleymoley, you cant get me.

math...tsktsk.i thought modulus would be ok...
i ended up with 1/7 marks.

i cant wait for log test to be back.
i think i may get 25% : D

i was just thinking of the time she said:
"dont worry teoee, youre improving.slowly,but definitely improving."

D ; awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
from msfang, thats a really sincere thing to say.
i was sooooooooooooo touched):

ruonan and samantha made me feel really touched tooo ;_;
they gave me a 10yr series physics book because mrhong asked me why i didnt buy(lol.i didnt see the point because eoys coming soon and 临时抱佛脚, from my mum's experience, doest work.)
back to topic,
this sudden gift means alotalot because first of all,
its the thought that counts.
and from the choice of gift, i think theyve been really thoughtful because they got me what i needed.
then 2nd point is that instead of making it out like they're doing me a favour, they justify it, saying i should just treat it like a bday present. mamaaaa,so sweet right?
im not making a big fuss of it,
i just think appreciation should be shown, and i should 把她们的所做所为发扬光大.
(yeayea,i can imagine you with the usan-nod-nod)
in conclusion,
thankyous :D

and then, another touching thing happened.
i was lugging 3 boxes of guide cookies back to class,
in total 18 tins in 3 cardboard boxes,
and i thought "gosh.this is how it feels like to be'd have a bigbig weight in front of you and your back is so suan all the time.PLUS, you look weird and cant walk properly."
then hanxi offered to help me take the odd tin of cookies(the one mryeo offered!) because it was easy to slip off to the ground, and she herself already had 2 boxes to carry!
then when i was somewhere near the class, ms low was just going off.
when she saw me lugging the whole bunch of cookies towards my dear class(proudly presents the class, you wouldnt understadn if you havent seen our door today), she actually came over and helped with carry one bigbigbigbig box!!
it was really so nice of her because for all i know, she could have walked away like anyone else could have, but she didnt. she could have gone off and pretended she didnt see me, but she didnt.
gosh, really so nice.awww.

lots of things keep happening these few days to make me feel the love of mankind(lol),and here's ending off with the last story.

that day, on the mooncake festival day, hanxi suddenly passed me green tea.
and what made me feel honoured was that,...
she brought the green tea specially for me.
so thoughtful right?????
lucky i had prepared mooncake for her too, if not i'd feel indebted,lol.
and hey, im saying that i prepared mooncake ok?
so this means that i didnt just give it to her in exchange for the tea,duh.
dont think so lowly of me laaa,HAHAHAHAAA.

things just keep happening.
i keep feeling a deep sense of gratitude to people nowadays.
since days ago,
ive been wanting to give my parents something.
i feel that its been long since i've told them that i dont take their work and care for granted.
haha,time to clear my overdue stuff.

overdue work, overdue hardworkingness, overdue appreciation,

(oh, and i remember mspear said: "you are not that kind of person.i dont believe you are."when i was mentioned for being rude to a lady during the level camp trip. that had meant alot too when everybody else had thought i was really trying to anger that lady on purpose. glad to say that mspear's trust in me(sort of a trust?) had not been betrayed(:
i know,i know.i said i'll end off with hanxi's story right?i just cant help but mention ms pear too ma. actually i now feel like moving on to talk about primary school teachers who had made an impact in my life, but yeayea, i guess to show my REAL appreciation, and to not break ruonan and samantha's heart(haha,you wont get this unless you have read what they wrote on the 10yr series phy book,i'll post the photo later), i'll have to go off and do

#1. class chalet proposal
#2. prepare for the-return-of-the-mryeo-cookie-tin
#3. do my homework.
#4. study whatever else i feel like.

: D



get one from cbox!
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